Saturday, April 4, 2020

Cuke nonZense Blog

This is a reminder that there are daily posts on the Cuke nonZense Blog. Today there's a Covid-19 map of Denpasar, Bali, with explanation. We live in the bottom right area, Sanur.

I used to post everything on Cuke What's New but a couple of years ago the nonZense blog was created so Cuke What's New could be Zen or our sangha related and Cuke nonZense could be more personal posts on topics such as environment and music. All the Dchad Miscellaneous stuff goes there too. Any story I want to tell or new poem or song I've written, what's happening with Katrinka and me in Bali. It's a little like my diary. Lot of climate and science posts. Only one a day with Sunday a day off. Cuke nonZense automatically uploads onto Cuke nonZense Facebook.

One figure, the number of reported positive cases - 32 in Bali and 4 in Denpasar, I think think of as indicating what the situation was two weeks ago.

You're invited. - dc