Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Wan Jung Photo

Just received this email and photo from a gentleman in the UK. [See it larger, the backside, and the note below on Nona Ransom's cuke page.]

I have recently read with great interest Harry Ransom-Rose's reminiscences of Nona Ransom on your website. At one stage in the early 1960's, when I would have been 15 or so, Nona lived in a bungalow next door to us in the village of Brockweir In Gloucestershire on the river Wye. I still have strong memories of a tall rather forbidding lady surrounded with momentos of her life in Asia. 

We have recently been going through and sorting out family photographs and I came across this which I thought might be of interest to you. On the reverse is written            'Last Empress of Manchuria- standing figure (Henry Pu-Yi's wife) from Miss Ransom'. 
I do hope this indeed is of interest and, if so, you are welcome to include it on your website
if you would like to do so.

DC says, Thank you so much sir. Not including his name because I hadn't asked if that was okay.