Tuesday, July 21, 2020

RIP Bob Gnaizda

Discovered dear old friend Bob Gnaizda died through Peter Coyote's Facebook page. Read Peter's tribute to Bob, an obit he shares below, and a number of comments of praise below that will tell you a little more about Bob. It begins thus: Robert Gnaizda was a man you've probably never heard of. But he was a friend, champion of the Diggers and so many social-change folks. He died on the 11th and I thought this remembrance did a good job so I want to share it.
Robert Gnaizda
Aug 6, 1936 - Jul 11, 2020
Robert Gnaizda, a pioneering civil rights lawyer, died on July 11, 2020 in San Francisco, surrounded by loving family.

I wrote the following comment on Peter's FB post: Thanks Peter. I'm linking to this on Cuke What's New Blog and saving it in the archives. I met Bob in the 1970s at the urgining of Charlie Page, a prominant Monterey County lawyer who was a good friend of Tassajara. Charlie had been involved with Bob in California Rural Legal Assistance. He said Bob had won some important cases for the Farmworkers. Next thing I knew, he was a regular part of Baker's salon and was always a good friend of Zen Center. I had a periodic contact with him through the years, often in conjunction with his close friend Michael Philips. He was always up for helping out a soul in need, whatever scheme Michael or even I had and came up with some far out ones himself. The last time I saw him was at Michael's about ten years ago. He had so much energy it was hard for him to sit still but he directed it with practical compassion and brilliance. - dc