Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Conclusion of Lecture

I'm not blaming you. I was very much stubborn, and ah … but even though I say so, it doesn't mean you have to change your attitude until you really feel something you should go and go on and on.

And I think you should try your best, and you should always be faithful to your own confidence and understanding. That is all right.

But tonight, you know, I am talking about Shariputra, so I have to say it in this way. For tonight's lecture (laughs).

Thank you very much.
    --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 68-12-24 as found on shunryusuzuki.com. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. - DC