Friday, August 4, 2023

Minimum Edits

There are more minimum edits of Shunryu Suzuki lecture transcripts thanks to the diligent work of Wendy Pirsig and Peter Ford. Shundo David Haye goes over all the transcripts too. He's with Engage Wisdom. I'm on standby for an opinion. We had five people giving opinions of what one word he said was recently - delude or denude. You can see a list of the recent Minimum Edits here:

Newer Minimum Edits on

There's a link on that page to all Minimum Edits. There are also More Edited version. Every edited and non edited version we could find is there. This archive is continually being updated and added to. We should post every change and addition on What's New but we only do that now and then. 

Remember - anything you want to find, go to the Lecture Search Form and the Dropdown menus for help.

Take care. - dc