Monday, October 9, 2023

A book on Steve Stucky

Remembering Myogen Steve Stücky

a book by Renshin Bunce on Amazon

In the years since the death of my teacher, I've noticed that I repeatedly tell the same handful of stories about him. Also, when I'm around San Francisco Zen Center, students approach me to tell me their stories, to tell me how touched they were by him. Some also tell me that they regret not establishing a deeper relationship with him before his too-early death. Now, in the hope of sharing some part of him with Zen students in the future, I offer this book. The first part is my memories, the second is a collection of stories from friends and family, the third is a collection of his teachings in the three months between his diagnosis and death, and the fourth is his obituary. May it serve to benefit the awakening of all beings.