Friday, March 8, 2024

Nirmanakaya Buddha Is Within Ourselves

The way to help others, and the way we preserve our teaching, and the way we practice Buddhism is different—there is a difference between Nirmanakaya Buddha and Sambhogakaya Buddha. But when we realize that our practice includes everything, why don’t we include a Nirmanakaya Buddha? Shakyamuni Buddha is included in our practice. So, all the Shakyamuni buddhas and all the Nirmanakaya buddhas, all at once will attain enlightenment, when we practice zazen [laughs]. So, Nirmanakaya Buddha is within ourselves.

Jizo Bosatsu and Kanzeon Bosatsu statues for links to the source of the photo. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 68-10-00-B as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.