Monday, April 15, 2024


Harriet Hiestand: You told us once that we are each our own teachers and so every question I thought of for you I could answer. But, I felt that I should ask them anyway. How can I trust my own answers? 

SR: Your own answers? Maybe you cannot completely trust any answers whether it is your answer or my answer, you cannot trust it completely. But, when you ask me a question it is a kind of communication. To share the problem is the point of asking a question. 

Harriet: But I get very frustrated because you never answer. You just substitute words and there is never an answer. 

SR: To understand in that way is better—not to rely on the answer so much. But to present some question, that is enough. for links to the source of the photo. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 68-11-11 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.