Monday, October 26, 2015

Crooked Cucumber pirates!

Found a Youtube promo for Crooked Cucumber (thanks Peter Ford) with a supposed link to a PDF of it below in the text - and then found another from another person that had the same link and then saw that after that video promo it rolled over to a promo for a Byron Katie book. I was going to post the links and say that cuke policy is to encourage piracy, but Peter pointed out he suspected malware. Sort of weird.

But don't fret - there are other pirates out there and you can also read it for free on by going here. Yes - it's self-pirated.

Steal this book: Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki

And then, if you're of a kindly and generous temperament, click on "donate" in the top right of the banner.