Thursday, February 1, 2018


The more important thing is to put strength here ... to have power here [patting his abdomen - hara]. And if you want to have power here, you have to bring your hip as far back as you can. Most of you sit on your seat like this [slouching somewhat] [laughs]. Like when you are driving your car. [Laughter]. A very bad posture for Zen students, because you have no strength here [in the hara]. So even when you drive your car, you should take this posture, because your legs are long enough to reach your brake. Please take this posture.------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-09-08-A as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.