Thursday, September 27, 2018

Suzuki on Evolution

Evolution of living being is going on in the course of specializing the original nature. You know, something like our human life started from a kind of amoeba, you know, in the muddy pond [laughs] in which something was lived, and they divide their body in two and four and eight. In that way our life started. The more and more our life specialized as a human being or animal or plant-- the more our life is specialized, the more complicated our life activity become. So a human being has more complicated life. So to be divided or to be specialized means to evolve ourselves-- evolution of life going in this way.  --------------------------------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-12-05-A as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture ex/cerpts on - from thee links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.