Sometime I, you know,
I am amused myself [laughs] to observe Japanese way in America. When I go to grocery store, I usually buy worst fruits or oldest
[laughs] vegetables. I take off something good to find something bad. And why I buy the worst one,
because I feel very sorry [laughing, laughter throughout story] for the worst
one. This is habit, you know, and I pay same amount of money. So at the store
they are interested in my way of buying. “Why don't you take this one? This one
is better,” they say. “No, I want to buy this one.” And they say, “Why? Why?” I
will say, “I don't know why.” And I-- I amuse myself with my
habit. I have very funny habit. But I couldn't get rid of my forgetfulness. I
tried pretty hard, but I still forget. -------------------------------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-12-06-B as found on Edited by DC