Monday, August 26, 2019

Another Shosan Question

Student H: Docho Roshi, if desires are inexhaustible, how may we put an end to them?

SR: Inexhaustible. To put an end to it, you know, does not mean to annihilate it. When you do not try to put an end to it, it is actual put an end to it. Desire is not-- evil desire is not an evil any more. Because you think or you treat it in an evil way, wrong way, or, you know, try to stop it, it change into evil, and it will be a disturbance of our practice.

Student H: Is this how we can vow to put an end to desires without expressing another desire?

SR: We should know the nature of the desires before we try to stop it or control it. To know what is evil nature is to know to stop evil desire. When you have no idea of evil, evil desire is not evil desire any more. That is how you stop it.

Student H: Thank you very much. 
   -------------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-04-23-B as found on Edited by DC  ["I usually leave the Thank You very much out but they all say it."]