Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Gosh - I got so involved in what I was doing yesterday I forgot to post here so it's going up late but it's still the 24th in Hawaii so that's close enough. One rather demanding task I'm into recently is doing these podcasts. Katrinka is still trapped in the States, though enjoying being with her son and family - his wife and daughters, and in a nice coastal Oregon town. So while she's away I'm trying to get as much done as I can on the podcasts. There are six a week. This Tuesday was chapter nine of Crooked Cucumber with comments and next Tuesday chapter ten. Thursday is Life in Bali, this week with Sustainable Suzy Hutomo. Last Saturday was a phone chat with Mel Weitsman and this one with Vanja Palmers. M-W-F are mini podcasts reading vignettes from Zen Is Right Here; Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki - and making pithy comments. Check em out at Cuke Audio Podbean - or Youtube, iTunes, Spotify, and Tumblr.