Hozan Alan Senauke stepped up to the Mountain Seat yesterday and is now the official new abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center. Hoitsu Suzuki had a role in the ceremony from Rinsoin in Yaizu, Japan. Supporting statements came from Gengo Akiba, with Yoshi at his side, Sokan (Bishop) of Soto-shu in North America, Josu Mary Duryee, Berkeley Zen Center President, representing the BZC sangha, Joanna Macy, representing the personal friends of the new Abbot. There were lots of congratulations such as from Shodo Harada from Sogenji in Okayama, translated by Chisan Priscilla Storandt and Ed Sattizahn. The ceremony went on for three hours and there were something like 370 people on Zoom attending. Congratulations Alan!