Suzuki had a natural, relaxed way of
talking. There was no hint of the more usual way Japanese priests
gave lectures which had more drama, sense of importance, oratorical. Suzuki was low key. Soft spoken. Made people feel
comfortable. One of the most common things to hear about him is
that he was normal. Didn't put himself above them. Frequently
laughing. It would be awfully hard to convey his sense of humor
and lightness. Not lofty. Down to earth. Not like a wise person
speaking down to those with inferior understanding, he spoke
straight across. Always respectful of others. But he held his own.
Always two sides. There's "Sometimes I'm the teacher and you're
the student, and sometimes you're the teacher and I'm the
student." Then there's (to a student who quoted Suzuki back to him
to make a point): "When I said it it was true. When you said it it
was false."