Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Transmitted Way

Even though the mind exists, if we do not see or if we ignore it, it does not mean anything. So that is why this mind is transmitted mind. Transmitted mind is a transmitted way of observing the mind -- how to work on the mind. This is the way. Mind is actually the way to observe the way, not some thing which is permanent or not permanent, which is mortal or immortal. That is not the point. Whether we live in the mind or not is the point. So that is why it is called transmitted way. The transmitted way is mind-itself.

---------Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 66-07-00 as found on shunryusuzuki.comEdited by DC - Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on cuke.com - from there links to much more. - Go to cuke.com What's New [now at blogger] to see more daily posts.