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Monday, October 21, 2024

Featured Cuke Archives page

Silas Hoadley began studying with Shunryu Suzuki in 1964. He was highly involved with the founding of Tassajara. Suzuki had Silas giving lectures there, and he would have received transmission if Suzuki hadn't died too soon. Silas was a much beloved priest in the SFZC. Listen to the podcast and read more about him.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

RIP Sim Van der Ryn

Sim Van der Ryn, visionary architect involved with the SF Zen Center since the mid seventies, and dear friend, passed away on Saturday. Below is an invitation to join the memorial for him sent by his daughter Julie. - Farewell Sim. Thanks for the good times. - DC

Everyday Life

You should extend this kind of strong conviction to your everyday life. But we easily lose this kind of conviction. That is a very important point, and in your everyday life I want you to come back to this kind of conviction. Then your everyday life will be completely refreshed. But I think it may be your great problem that you haven’t this kind of conviction in your everyday life. This is a very difficult thing. for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-19 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

When You Go Home

When I am talking to you, and when you are listening to me, I think you have that kind of strong conviction, and I have too [laughs]. But when you go home, what will happen? And when I am not talking, or when I am not practicing zazen with you, what will happen to me? That is the point. for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-19 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Cuke Sandokai Page

 Here's a link to a page on for the Sandokai

I'm posting that there now because I'm meeting with the All Beings Zen Sangha who'll be studying the Sandokai and which I said I'd talk about. - DC

Friday, October 18, 2024

Strong Conviction

You may understand how important it is to have a strong conviction to practice zazen. When you sit, “I shall never stand up from this seat unless someone tells me to stand up,” actually that is the way. Then, at that time, your practice is beyond space and time. How long, it doesn't matter. Wherever I am, it doesn’t matter. I shall never stand up unless someone tells me to stand up. That is shikantaza.

Photo by Tanya Takacs for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-19 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Time Zone for DC visit with All Beings Sangha

More recent photo

DC cuke page

We got some questions about what time zone the 11am was in, it's Eastern; so 8am Pacific.

From All Beings Zen Sangha:

Saturday October 19, 2024, 11am EDT Special Guest Speaker David Chadwick – David Chadwick, is author of Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki and Poobah of Cuke Archives which includes,, Cuke Archives Daily Blog, and more. He says, “I rarely give talks. Mainly I like to talk with people. I’ll talk about the Sandokai and Suzuki Roshi’s talks on it. I can keep going solo but interaction is best.” Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 903814. (Online only.)

Direct Experience Based on Strong Conviction

In short, Zen will be understood by your direct experience. And if you want to have direct understanding, you must have some confidence, strong conviction to study it. “Whatever happened, I must understand it.” This is very important. “How long it takes it doesn't matter. I will study it.” Without this kind of direct experience based on strong conviction, you cannot attain enlightenment. for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-19 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

No Need To Hear

Once Yakusan, the famous Zen master in China, was asked to give the monks a lecture. “It has been a long time since you gave us a lecture, so please give a lecture.” After Sesshin, he went up to the altar and came down, and went his room without saying anything. So, for him, one minute was enough. For me, it takes twenty minutes; for him, one minute. 

His Jisha asked him, after he went back to his room, “Why didn't you give them a lecture, some word.” And he said, “I am a Zen master. So I will not say anything. If you want to study Zen, you should listen to some Buddhist philosopher and he will explain it in detail. I am a Zen Master, and to practice with you is my vow. For me there is no need to speak, and for my students there is no need to hear a lecture.” for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-19 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Special Guest Speaker David Chadwick

From All Beings Zen Sangha:

Saturday October 19, 2024, 11am EST  Special Guest Speaker David Chadwick – David Chadwick, is author of Crooked Cucumber: The Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki and Poobah of Cuke Archives which includes,, Cuke Archives Daily Blog, and more. He says, “I rarely give talks. Mainly I like to talk with people. I’ll talk about the Sandokai and Suzuki Roshi’s talks on it. I can keep going solo but interaction is best.” Use this link to join. If asked for a password use 903814. (Online only.)