Bowing - chapter and sources. Comparing the chapter from Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind with sources in the lecture archive reveals that the first half of the chapter has no other source and thus will be entered into the archive as a separate entry.
Ahdel's Breakfast Song - A song my mother made up and used to sing while making breakfast when my sister and I were little kids. Read the words and hear a sterling acappella version by DC. Thanks sister Susan for sending me the words which I knew but wasn't sure about some details. Now it's your turn to sing it. - song posted on Defuser Music dot com. - this note posted on Ahdel's page in Family section
Friend wanted to send us something in Indonesia. I responded: Hey thanks for that but don't worry about sending us anything here. It costs more from there. Dr. friend from Boston just got some brownies from East Coast cost them $150 and he wasn't allowed to receive it unless he got a permit or something and couldn't get out of filling out forms to not accept it. - posted in Saunters