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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Aloe Vera

There are many Nyoman here in Bali, male and female like all Bali names as far as I know.
There's Nyoman mabuk (drunk Nyoman as he told me to remember him) who helps the folks next door sometimes. And there's bemo driver Nyoman Dogen - easy to remember cause Dogen is the founder of Soto Zen in Japan though he didn't like to think of it as a distinct sect. Nyoman Dogen never heard of Dogen from Japan. Yesterday while I was in Satvika Bogha getting some cashews and farm fresh eggs, Nyoman was snipping some of their aloe vera to take home. He told me it's good for many ailments. I told him we used to keep it in the kitchens of Zen Center in case someone got burned and we did so because it worked so well. He asked, "Oh, you've got this plant in America?" I told him yeah, I was surprised to see it here.  [We weren't using any plant names - must ask] - DC