From a Q and A
When we kill-- try to kill, there is a mistake, you know, in understanding our
life. Because we do not know it is impossible to kill - so we try to kill.
Student: When we die, there is the same mistake because we do not know it's
impossible to die.
Mm-hmm. When you think you are dying, that is the same mistake.
B: Same mistake.
Yeah. It is impossible for us to die. We do not die actually.
B: Right. Right. Right.
Yeah, that is just maybe the same mistake. So if everyone understands this
point, no one will kill-- try to kill anybody. So not to kill is to realize our
true nature. That is the interpretation of the precept not to kill.
Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 65-07-29-C as found on - Edited by DC