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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Farewell Richard O. Moore

Just learned that Richard Moore passed on. He was 95 and living in the Redwoods Retirement Home in Mill Valley, CA. Visited him with Katrinka there before leaving for Asia in 2013. He was doing well though loosing his eyesight. Published another book of poetry this year - Particulars of PlaceUsed to visit with Richard and his wife Ruth at their home in Muir Beach near Green Gulch and later at their home far up north. Richard was a founder of KPFA Radio and KQED TV in the SF Bay area. He never seemed interested in Zen, but he was responsible for putting Alan Watts on the air. He had mixed feelings about Watts - who lived nearby - and on several occasions I emphasized to Richard what a great gift that was to bring Watts to so many people. Read more about him on Wikipedia. - DC

Post on his memorial