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Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Century Ago

A Rare Historical Look At Old Indonesia - 25 Photos Taken Pre-1920

Chose a photo from the group for here of a Balinese woman spinning because in Northern Thailand a year ago I sat with a woman in a traditional village who was spinning hemp. I watched her go from raw material to usable thread or string. The scene looked much like that photo. Some of the other photos are much more far out.
But I could not get it to show up online. I can see it here in my computer but not online. I even tried doing a screen save of it, changing it from png to jpg and uploading it from my computer rather than linking to it and it still didn't show up. All these photos are for sale so they're using some technology to stop us from showing them or there's some other explanation I can't guess. Anyway, neat photos of days gone by. - dc