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Friday, April 17, 2015

Farewell Tim Thomas Buckley

Dear old friend and close Shunryu Suzuki and Harry Roberts student, Tim Buckley died yesterday morning at his home in Maine.

Met Tim when I first came to the SF Zen Center at Bush Street in 1966. He and I lived together at Loring Palmer's communal home in Japantown for a few months, till I moved to Tassajara. He was there too a few months later. He shared his Volvo with me. I used it to drive Suzuki Roshi and other people in and out of Tassajara some. He said I was hard on it but kept sharing. He was especially grateful to Loring for providing a quiet, structured practice in his apartment which he felt was a godsend compliment to zazen and lectures at Sokoji.

Suzuki wanted to ordain Tim as a priest for sure. He put that off till recently with Peter and Jane Schneider and their Beginner's Mind ZC in Northridge, CA. Time founded the Great River Zendo in West Bath, Maine. Here's their listing on the SZBA site. Here's their Facebook link.

Tim Buckley Cuke page for much more on and from Tim.