They don't seem to have days off and I bet they get paid a shocking little. Ilu came back with Rini recently from the village where they come from. Ilu had never been to the big city, Denpasar - and Sanur is on the edge of Denpasar - and this is not a big island - four hours to get anywhere. I don't think it occurs to anyone including Ilu that maybe she should see something, some sights - the beach a block away. Think I'll bring it up with Philip and Nyoman (whom Philip calls Neuman) while they're at the pool drinking beer - or maybe while they're at the porch drinking beer. [That image is from a local nanny service website]- dc
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Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Labor Practices
They don't seem to have days off and I bet they get paid a shocking little. Ilu came back with Rini recently from the village where they come from. Ilu had never been to the big city, Denpasar - and Sanur is on the edge of Denpasar - and this is not a big island - four hours to get anywhere. I don't think it occurs to anyone including Ilu that maybe she should see something, some sights - the beach a block away. Think I'll bring it up with Philip and Nyoman (whom Philip calls Neuman) while they're at the pool drinking beer - or maybe while they're at the porch drinking beer. [That image is from a local nanny service website]- dc