A woman named Kadek comes to visit Bali new mom Rini next door now and then. She came in on her motorbike and was sitting on their porch and asked me where they were. Told her Phillip wanted a bigger car now that they have the baby cause there's the nanny too and family sometimes - so they went to get a new car. She said it was hot. I told her come over and wait on the porch. Asked her what she wanted. Aqua - that's bottled water. I invited her in and showed her we have our own filter system and don't buy water. She opened the fridge and pulled out a small guava juice. I said silakan - please go ahead. She sat on the porch. She lit up a cigarette after asking permission. Gave her a seashell for an ashtray and pointed the standup fan at her - ostensibly to give her a cool breeze. She asked where's my wife. I said in America. She looked at me. Your're sleeping alone?
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