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Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Groovin Reuven

Going through the Names page on - looking for Tassajara stories - and spent a lot of time updating it, getting it in better order, making pages for more people as a hub to gather multiple links pertaining to them. The last one was Reuven Ben Yuhmin (AKA Roovane Ben Yuhmin Robert Front)who definitely needed a main cuke page. A great character he.
In doing so I discovered dead links to his Shutterfly photos of the Shunryu Suzuki 100th Birthday Bash and to his podcasts. I have an archival DVD he sent me before going into a Theravada monastery near Perth - maybe I've got the photos - in my archives back in the States.  I should try to get hold of him or one of his daughters to see what we can do. Maybe SFZC has them but most their archives are at UCB. Maybe someone else. I've learned to download material I link to if I don't want it to disappear - so it can disappear when the material on this sprawling cuke goes the way of all stuff.