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Saturday, March 7, 2020

Bodhisattva’s Vow—Torei Enji

When I look deeply into the real form of the universe, everything reveals the mysterious truth of the Tathagata. This truth never fails: in every moment and every place, things can’t help but shine with this light.

Realizing this, our ancestors gave reverent care to animals, birds, and all beings. Realizing this, we ourselves know that our daily food, clothing and shelter are the warm body and beating heart of the Buddha. How can we be ungrateful to anyone or anything? Even though someone may be a fool, we can be compassionate. If someone turns against us, speaking ill of us and treating us bitterly, it’s best to bow down: this is the Buddha appearing to us, finding ways to free us from our own attachments— the very ones that have made us suffer again and again and again.

Now on each flash of thought a lotus flower blooms, and on each flower: a buddha. The light of the Tathagata appears before us, soaking into our feet. May we share this mind with all beings so that we and the world together may grow in wisdom.

thanks Carol Spooner (translator haven't found)