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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Grateful for Reported Errata

Dear reader. Please feel free to point out any error, no matter how tiny, in these posts. I make mistakes of various types all the time. Like I can't spell but usually catch those - and I know that's not a complete sentence and that the use of the word "like" is subject to question. A.M. has been pointing out little flaws and misunderstandings back to the beginning of time, sometimes accompanied by links to articles or explanations of usage in Tibetan or some other language. I love it. I dare you - try to find some minutiae I'm not interested in. Like that word - minutiae - it looks Latin so I can't recall my Latin and frequently use a singular instead of a plural. I do not correct others with little corrections unless they ask for it or it seem to matter to them for some reason - like they'll loose money or get arrested if I don't tell them. But whenever I hear someone using the subjective case of a pronoun in the objective position I refrain from expressing how it offends my ears - and it's becoming so common, it's going to become correct. The way less is now commonly used in cases where fewer used to be correct. So thank you Heidi Wilson for pointing out: You might have a typo in the footnote at the end of"  the lecture excerpt that was posted recently on What's New. "The lecture date was 12-21, not 12-12." Wow - that means she went to that lecture in the archive which she said she did and downloaded it. I especially appreciated that correction because I'd just started posting excerpts from that lecture and the info on the excerpts that follows is copied and pasted to the next day's post so I only had to go back and change the date on three other posts. - dc