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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Most said phrase by our founder

 Was thinking about what phrase did Shunryu Suzuki use the most. We had a lot of emphasis on "most important a decade ago or so--most important point or most important thing. He said that a lot. There's a collection of statements he made with most important in them. We've added some lectures to the archive since then so it could be brought up to date. There's a page for it. And from that page:

The phrase “most important” as found in Shunryu Suzuki lectures.

There are 224 instances found in the 2010 collection of his lectures, 85 of "most important point" and 87 of "most important thing." [As of November 2020 there are 266 instance of "most important" in the Suzuki lecture archive default (closest to verbatim) selection.]

Tomorrow - a phrase he used more than that.