Although We Have Nothing, We Can Help Others By Offering Things - Engage Wisdom Link
Shundo David Haye discovered and transcribed it. Here's what he wrote us:
have exciting news. I was browsing through the photographs we had taken
of all the old reels, while reprocessing them recently, and decided to
investigate the one that Bill Redican had catalogued as XX-66-07-07.
We had imported this with the other original reels a couple of years ago
as being of potential interest, but I had concluded, based on listening
to the first few lines, that it was a different speaker, perhaps
Katagiri. It turns out that Suzuki was reading from a translation of
Shushogi, and his reading voice is quite different to his normal
lecturing voice. As soon as you go further into the talk, it is
obviously him. I have transcribed the talk, which is generally very
clear, and it is presented here. I think it is a really great talk
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Although We Have Nothing, We Can Help Others By Offering Things - link
Date and file name: 66-07-07