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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Joan Halifax just spoke at Eiheiji


Upaya at Eiheiji, April 2017. Roshi Joan Halifax, center, with Kyodo Andi Sinclair, Jose Shinzan Palma, Sensei Irene Kaigetsu Bakker, Sensei Kazuaki Tanahashi, Roshi Yokoyama, Al Kaszniak, Genzan Q Quennell, Brian Joshin Byrnes, and Kigaku Noah Rossetter on Upaya's annual pilgrimage to Japan. 

She wrote here on her Facebook page: 
The teaching at Eiheiji seemed to be well received. Grateful that the Godo and Tanto were there and a hall full of young monks. Spoke about Hotsu Bodaishin (Dogen), socially engaged Buddhism, and Buddha's teaching on the Four Noble Truths and Three-fold training and why practice is important; also actualizing the way in everyday life as service. This morning, attended early morning liturgy and offered incense. A few photos from the talk might be posted, and we need permission to share.