Upaya at Eiheiji, April 2017. Roshi Joan Halifax, center, with Kyodo Andi Sinclair, Jose Shinzan Palma, Sensei Irene Kaigetsu Bakker, Sensei Kazuaki Tanahashi, Roshi Yokoyama, Al Kaszniak, Genzan Q Quennell, Brian Joshin Byrnes, and Kigaku Noah Rossetter on Upaya's annual pilgrimage to Japan.
She wrote here on her Facebook page: The teaching at Eiheiji seemed to be well received. Grateful that the Godo and Tanto were there and a hall full of young monks. Spoke about Hotsu Bodaishin (Dogen), socially engaged Buddhism, and Buddha's teaching on the Four Noble Truths and Three-fold training and why practice is important; also actualizing the way in everyday life as service. This morning, attended early morning liturgy and offered incense. A few photos from the talk might be posted, and we need permission to share.