We are incarnated bodies, with some certain color and form and character. So, there must be a source or root of each being, as Sambhogakaya Buddha was the source of Shakyamuni Buddha. When he realized this point, he accepted himself as Nirmanakaya Buddha, as Sambhogakaya Buddha, and as Dharmakaya Buddha. When we understand ourselves in this way, our way in this world will be to try to express Buddha Nature moment after moment. That is the effort we should make, instead of being caught by a certain color or form.
Idealized drawing with Shunryu Suzuki provided by Kelsang Tsogtor
—cuke.com/ig for links to the source of the photo. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 68-10-00-C as found on shunryusuzuki.com, edited by PF. Go to instagram.com/cuke_archives for the Instagram version.