E. L. Hazelwood: Docho Roshi, I have a question, but I can’t see it. And so I can’t grasp it. And so I don’t know what it is. And so I don’t know how to ask it.
SR: Yeah. The basic problem is the same for everyone. Anyway, as long as you are here, don’t be too much concerned about yourself, or what you do, or what others do. Just observe Tassajara as one person who has every part of a body—hands, legs, head, ears, eyes. And let it work without much mistake. If you try to practice everyday practice our way with this idea, then there is salvation for each one of us.
—cuke.com/ig for links to the source of the photo. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 68-11-11 as found on shunryusuzuki.com, edited by PF. Go to instagram.com/cuke_archives for the Instagram version.