According to the Shingon school, the Diamond Sutra is the supreme teaching which was told by Buddha. If a teaching was told by some special person, according to his character or to his ability, it is not absolute teaching because it was told by him, like medicine to a patient. If the patient changes, the teaching will change, so it is not absolute teaching. But the Diamond Sutra, told by Buddha to himself, is the only teaching which we can depend on. But this is not a complete understanding. That is why Zen puts emphasis on our practice.
— for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 68-07-23 as found on, edited by PF. These posts are also on Bluesky, Facebook and Instagram. We are continually working on improving the quality of transcriptions of Suzuki's lectures. After a new "verbatim transcript" is made, we create a minimally edited version which is more readable. See the most recently completed transcripts at