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Monday, October 28, 2024

Two Sides

So “nature” or “outlook of things” are two names of one thing, one reality. Sometimes we say buddha-nature. Sometimes we say enlightenment or bodhi or buddha or attainment. But those are two sides of one reality. So, not only do we call it from those two sides, but also we call it, sometimes, “evil desire.”

Art by Paul Reps for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-20 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Featured Cuke Archives page

This is a talk I gave with the All Beings Zen Sangha in Washington DC on October 19, 2024. Inryu Ponce-Barger is the teacher of this group currently focusing on the Sandokai, an ancient Chinese Zen poem that is chanted at the SF Zen Center. I talk about being at Tassajara when Shunryu Suzuki lectured on it. Also, see this page on for the Sandokai - DC. Listen to the podcast here.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

When Something Appears

You think we have buddha-nature within ourselves as innate nature, and because of this nature we do things. That is the usual understanding of nature [laughs]. But that is not Dogen’s understanding. It is not like a seed which is there before the plant comes out. That is not a correct understanding of nature…Only when something appears, there there is nature.

From A Flora of Tassajara by David Rogers for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-20 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Nature Appears

When we say “buddha-nature,” you may think buddha-nature is some innate nature. In Japanese we use the same word—nature—buddha-nature. But actually, it is not nature like the nature of human beings or plants or cats or dogs. Strictly speaking, it is not that kind of nature. “Nature” means something which is there whatever you do. Nature is not something which is there before you do something. When you do something, at the same time, nature appears. That is nature.

Photo by Alain Crockin (Donn Deangelo) for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-20 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Way-seeking Mind

I think Kitano Zenji [giving up smoking] is a good example. I’m not trying to convince you to give up smoking, or something like that. But we must have that kind of way-seeking mind. Then your practice will be pretty good.

After John King's shuso ceremony at Tassajara, Fall 2000 for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-19 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

To Give Up

Kitano Zenji was the head monk at Eiheiji Monastery. He told us how he gave up smoking. He told us he was a very bad smoker. But when he was traveling, he came across Hakone Pass in misty weather. So, sitting on the rock at the top of the pass, he took out a pipe and started to smoke. It is very good, as you know, to smoke in damp, misty weather. It was so nice that he was struck by the taste of it, and he determined to give up smoking [laughs, laughter]. That was his last smoke. Wherever he goes, even resting on top of a mountain after climbing up maybe eight miles, he didn’t lose the conviction of practicing zazen. “Oh!” [Laughs, laughter.] “I must give up!” for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-19 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


When you eat, for instance, you would rather eat something sweet and nice. But actually, whatever it is we should be ready to accept and eat, without saying, “This is delicious,” or “This is not so good.” When you want to have something more, you should come back to our conviction.

?, Sue Isaacson, Pam Chernoff, Georgette (Iva) Jones, Meg Gawler, David Cohn, Joe Cohen, Susan Wender, Terry Gragg for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-19 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Featured Cuke Archives page

Silas Hoadley began studying with Shunryu Suzuki in 1964. He was highly involved with the founding of Tassajara. Suzuki had Silas giving lectures there, and he would have received transmission if Suzuki hadn't died too soon. Silas was a much beloved priest in the SFZC. Listen to the podcast and read more about him.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

RIP Sim Van der Ryn

Sim Van der Ryn, visionary architect involved with the SF Zen Center since the mid seventies, and dear friend, passed away on Saturday. Below is an invitation to join the memorial for him sent by his daughter Julie. - Farewell Sim. Thanks for the good times. - DC

Everyday Life

You should extend this kind of strong conviction to your everyday life. But we easily lose this kind of conviction. That is a very important point, and in your everyday life I want you to come back to this kind of conviction. Then your everyday life will be completely refreshed. But I think it may be your great problem that you haven’t this kind of conviction in your everyday life. This is a very difficult thing. for links to the source of the image. Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 69-04-19 as found on, edited by PF. Go to for the Instagram version.