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Saturday, March 14, 2015

Late Draft of ZMBM - part one

Go to the cuke page with a PDF of part one [and now part two] of a late draft of "Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation - by Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Editors: Richard Baker, Marian Derby, Gertrude Dixon." [before the final name - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice by Shunryu Suzuki. Edited by Trudy Dixon.]

- Sent to DC by Ted Hensold after Daya Goldschlag's noble scanning. It surely means it dates back to when Daya (Dianne then) and I were together and married [68-73-76]. I don't remember this draft but that doesn't mean anything. I think the order of the editor's names may be alphabetical. It's most interesting that Marian's name is there because I have thought of Trudy as having started her initial work on new transcripts made from the tapes. This makes me think that either Marian's transcripts were referred to or that her essential role in making the book is being honored by the inclusion of her name as an editor - I'll bet Trudy wrote who the editors were. Eventually only Trudy was named as an editor. This was Richard Baker's choice at the time, a choice I think he sort of regrets though it's no big deal. 

I think this file is going to have to be broken up to be useful. It's too big, slow loading. If it's too hard for you think of this as a "coming soon" announcement. Will get to that ASAP. And part two coming soon too - when Daya sends it. - DC