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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Cucumber Enso

A cuke reader sent this image of an enso cucumber. An enso is usually called a sumi circle in English.

It started off with an email which read:

I’m in the middle of a third reading of Crooked Cucumber, and at the same time an intense reading schedule at At the cuke website I’ve read lots of testimonies on the part of students about Shunryu Suzuki that lead one to think “Wow! What a man!”
But I personally can’t help but think “Wow! What students!”

Last year a cucumber in the vegetable garden grew in the form of an enso. Would you like to see a photo of it?

Name withheld

DC responded:

Well said. Good point. I want to post it with the photo of the enso cucumber which you should use to attract millions to your garden as a holy site with an entrance fee. 

Name Withheld responded:

I’m afraid I ate the cucumber, and the picture, as you can see, shows it on top of a cast-iron stove . 

DC responded: That's a great picture. Thanks. And no photographer's credit for this work of art?

Name Withheld responded:

Nah! No credit.
All the best,

DC says now: So thanks to modest Name Withheld for this interesting exchange and photo.