There is a clear difference between intellectual
understanding and understanding through your practice. Through our practice we
can fly without an airplane. It covers this much. We can understand about the
various worlds in the same way. This is not magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
This is the Cuke Archives page for what’s being featured each day. Our other two Zen sites: - all the transcripts, audio, film, photo archive and - for Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. New 2021: Audiobook for Crooked Cucumber & Zen Is Right Now: More Teaching Stories and Anecdotes of Shunryu Suzuki Youtube Cuke Archives - Posts from here also appear on Facebook Cuke Archives Core Books by and about Shunryu Suzuki -- People Index -- DC home -- DC Books Cuke Podcasts - Instagram Cuke Archives - Contact DC - Donate For personal, environment, music, etc, go to Cuke nonZense Blog and cuke-annex
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Vanja Palmers
A page for Vanja, Austrian Zen teacher who opened a retreat in Austria with Brother David Steindl-rast, one above Lake Luzern, and more.
Friday, December 29, 2017
You should extend your practice to where your
usual understanding cannot reach. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
When you know completely you do not know - maybe
in the sense that you do not know your eyes, do not see your eyes. But it does
not mean that you have no eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Taking form
Emptiness is always taking form. Do you
understand? There is no emptiness which has no form. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Brother David Steindl-Rast
A page on cuke for the Benedictine monk who was at Tassajara's first practice period and that's just the beginning - for us. But he'd been involved with Zen for years before that.
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Do it
We say, whatever you do, do it. But that
"do" is not "do" in the usual sense. Here practice is
involved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Monday, December 25, 2017
Don't be ashamed of your practice or a frog will
laugh at you. What are you doing? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Wishing you
[place appropriate image for your holiday greeting here]
Holiday greeting of your choice.
And many more.
Holiday greeting of your choice.
And many more.
Saturday, December 23, 2017
A Christmas Card from Nona Ransom
A woman named Angela Wright got hold of me asking if this is truly a card from Nona Ransom and wanting to compare handwriting and there's a link on her cuke page to her notes behind photos she'd given to Grahame Petchey and they matched pretty well. Here's the front - for more go to the bottom of her cuke page. Preparing this post on September 9th but hate Xmas stuff outside of December - told Kelly and Clay when they were little kids that that was against the law - so am predating it a few days before that jolly date. - dc
We must have a complete world; that is form.
Because it is complete it is empty. But it actually exists right here and now.
That is form. Do you understand? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Friday, December 22, 2017
This is the world, the real world, at the same
time every other world can become real. It is not a matter of what kinds of
worlds exist somewhere besides this world - like the cat’s or the frog's. The
point is whether this world is real or not, whether our practice is real or
not. When our practice is real practice, this is our world. There is Shakyamuni
Buddha who is taking care of us. This is the complete world moment after
moment. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
When I am talking to you, there is nothing in my
mind. I don't
look around. Here there is the complete world. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Index page for DC Misc writing/posts
DC Misc Index --- Haven't been posting much personal or about Bali etc on Cuke Blog here because the personal stuff I'm putting on Facebook now under David Reich Chadwick and mainly there put on links to non political news cause writing and work wise been busy with major cuke work. So here's an index with link to past such posts on cuke and other stuff. - dc
We have no idea of good or bad, no idea of whether
you are sleeping or listening to me. I don't mind at all! I am always
encouraging myself at the same time I am encouraging you. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
We do not say this is good or bad. If you are
interested in what is best, perhaps it is better for you to go to lectures
somewhere else. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Why may you not have understood? The reason is
quite simple: because you look around. Our way is to see something directly and
not to look around, that is all! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Remembering Marilyn (Doyle) McDonald
Marilyn came to Tassajara in the seventies and eighties and did exhaustive research on its history much of which is found on now. Here's a remembrance of Marilyn written by her daughter Lee Doyle and son Larry Burns and edited by her close friend Rose Martinez.
We do not say anything which we do not firmly
believe in - sometimes we do not say anything. So you feel as if you have
understood because we only say things we believe in and you confuse believing
with understanding. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Our practice is for ourselves and for others
too. Understanding our practice will lead us to understand an animal's practice
also. It is not a matter of eggs first or hens first, enlightenment first or
practice first. It is a matter of depth and directness of understanding, a
directness which goes beyond intellectual, emotional, or physical attainment. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Chronology Update
Every few years add to this Chronology of Shunryu Suzuki's life. This time did so more thoroughy. - dc
Thursday, December 14, 2017
This comprehension of teaching is wider and
deeper than the teaching which is for guiding practice. Of course that guidance
is teaching, but the enlightenment that you think you will attain after practice,
the meaning of that enlightenment you think you see coming from practice, is
quite different from the true understanding of enlightenment and practice. This
much must be intellectually understood if you are to practice Buddhism in its
true sense. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
The main point of my lecture this afternoon is
that the usual understanding of practice as the guide to enlightenment is
limited in our world and is not the true practice handed down to us from
Buddha. It is not just a teaching told by someone. Even before Buddha our
teaching was true. It is immortal and exists everywhere. So we call it original
enlightenment or emptiness. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
When I practice with you my understanding of our
way becomes deeper and deeper, more natural and active than ever. This is
possible because we are practicing in this country, where people have few
preconceived ideas about Buddhism. So your response to what you see and hear is
quite genuine, and I can see Buddha's Way in your reactions to the teaching, in
your relations to what you see and hear at Tassajara. This is my great
privilege. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Monday, December 11, 2017
My understanding of our Buddha's way has been
improved a lot by the feeling you have expressed for me, whether you are aware
of it or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay.
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Need Some Transcribing or other Typing done?
Not only will transcribing work for Alice help to offset her on-the-cheap transcribing for cuke but will help her support her drug and alcohol recovery program - the Lighthouse which Katrinka and I, mainly Katrinka, have been involved with since shortly after we arrived four years ago..
Contact Alice at - dc
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Even Shakyamuni Buddha cannot fool us about our
real practice, because our practice is independent. We live in our own kingdom.
And continuing this kind of practice moment after moment, we will someday meet
with Shakyamuni Buddha who attained perfect enlightenment. Even if we do not
meet him we should be grateful to him for directing our true study here at Zen
Mountain Center. As long as we know who is our real mother there is nothing to
be afraid of, nothing to worry about. This is our belief in emptiness. Did you
understand?------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Have you seen the picture by the famous Zen
master Sengai? He shows a frog looking just like he was sitting in zazen, as we
are sitting in this lecture. How can a frog attain enlightenment? It is very
interesting the more you think about it. A frog is faced by many things.
Junsei Jana Drakka’s Funeral
Funeral Ceremony – Friday, December 15, 2017, 4 pm at the SFZC City Center
details at where this photo came from
Jana's cuke page
details at where this photo came from
Jana's cuke page
Thursday, December 7, 2017
Another Mother
Practice is the mother of all Buddhas; your
practice is the mother of all beings and all worlds and all the people who live
in those worlds. That is why we say if one attains enlightenment he understands
that all sentient beings are enlightened. Do you understand? I’m not involved
in some mystical thought. These are actual facts. In your practice,
enlightenment and practice should be one, not two. It is not after you practice
our way that you attain enlightenment. That is a wrong understanding. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
The usual understanding of the teaching as
something told by Buddha is not direct enough. When you understand that
Shakyamuni Buddha is emptiness, then you will find that innumerable worlds come
out from emptiness, and that emptiness actually exists in each world or each
moment, that each world and each moment exists in emptiness. When you practice
zazen, this emptiness is there, and when you reach this understanding, you will
find out the meaning of the teaching and you will practice in quite a different
way. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
A Cuke Page for Bill Redican
Photo of Bill and DC standing before the bound set of verbatim transcriptions in the library of the SFZC City Center c.2002.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
This Dharma of Prajna Paramita is the mother of
Shakyamuni Buddha, and not only Shakyamuni but many Buddhas and worlds come out
from this teaching. If the various forms are emptiness, from emptiness various
teachings will appear; emptiness is the mother of everything, so the teaching
of Buddha comes out of emptiness. You could say that emptiness is first and
Buddha is second.. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
The Chronicles of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche posted
a message from DC yesterday, December 4th, the anniversary of Shunryu Suzuki's death.
Also on
Also on
Monday, December 4, 2017
Not just Verbal
The teaching that form is emptiness and
emptiness is form is not just a verbal teaching of Buddha. It is more than
that. If you are thinking of the time before the historical Buddha, born about
2500 years ago, you may say the teaching is something told by Buddha. But after
Buddha attained enlightenment, practice and enlightenment were one within him.
Where there is practice there is enlightenment. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
A page for Al Tribe
Al started sitting at Sokoji and Berkeley ZC in 1967, received transmission from Lew Richmond in 2016, and was a teacher in the Mill Valley Vimala Sangha.
Al, Lew Richmond, and Peter Coyote at Al and Peter's transmission ceremony, one of three photos one may see larger on
Al Tribe cuke page
Al, Lew Richmond, and Peter Coyote at Al and Peter's transmission ceremony, one of three photos one may see larger on
Al Tribe cuke page
Saturday, December 2, 2017
Only when we understand our own way will each
animal world, each world, be seen all at once, including our world with
Shakyamuni Buddha. This understanding is that form is emptiness and emptiness
is form. The animal is the form. You may say, "Form - that is only an
animal, only a cat." But when you understand what a cat is through and
through, that is the emptiness from which various teachings come and from which
our practice follows. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Friday, December 1, 2017
When you understand how to practice your way
with your whole body and mind, you will understand various practices and many
Buddhas. Not only the 77,000 Buddhas under which Shakyamuni studied according
to some scriptures, but innumerable Buddhas will be in your world. That is very
true. Shakyamuni Buddha practiced through many lives as a Bodhisattva. That is
not just a story. It is what we are seeing right now in our world. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
So-and-so Buddha
You may say it would be a great blessing if the
weak animal could be killed at once and eaten quickly, rather than having to
remain for a long time in pain and suffering. But suppose that the small animal
is a Bodhisattva who is practicing his own way. What does he say? "Don't
watch me. I am very serious. I am practicing my way with my whole mind and
body. Go away. Don't watch me. This is my world. I have a teacher called
So-and-so Buddha." ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
RIP Al Tribe
Al died on Monday of unknown cause. A fellow student of Shunryu Suzuki, a dear friend I've been in contact with occasionally for years, a supporter of Cuke Archives. My sympathies to Carol and Laurence and others in the family.
Al remembers Shunryu Suzuki
More on Al later. - dc
- thanks Judy Gilbert
Al remembers Shunryu Suzuki
More on Al later. - dc
- thanks Judy Gilbert
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
In dokusan (sanzen or personal training) one
student expressed her feelings about seeing an animal devouring another animal.
She became very angry with the animal which was devouring the weaker one. If
you did not see this, or do not see that side of things, it does not matter. It
is someone else's problem. But once you do see it, it is your problem, not just
the animal's problem, or just a problem of the animal world. As I listened to
her I thought that there is her world as well as the animal's world, and that
in each world there is a Buddha. For us there is Shakyamuni Buddha; for animals
I don't know, but actually they practice so hard in their own way. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Conclusion of Concluding Statement after Shosan Ceremony first practice period Tassajara
And on this occasion especially Maezumi Sensei,
Chino Sensei, Kats-zen (? Phillip), and especially Richard Baker who is in the
position of Shuso. With all their effort and helped our practice. This is my
gratitude indeed. I am very much grateful for you effort and all the students
who joined our practice and encouraged our project at Tassajara. This is the
most wonderful event, which we had and which you had first in America. I am
very grateful for your effort. Thank you very much. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Monday, November 27, 2017
Adding link to video for prior post
11-27 - A local who calls himself Putu Hiking who guided Katrinka's son to the top of Mt. Agung a couple of years ago sent her this video he took yesterday.
Bali Report
Lot of folks asking about how we're faring in Bali. I haven't been putting personal stuff here for a while and I've been posting all that on my personal Facebook page at David Reich Chadwick but there are too many who choose to eschew the evil FB and I understand as I don't linger there. So here are my recent posts there.
11-27 - We live in Sanur, about 40 miles from the Mt. Agung volcano. There's not a big emphasis here in the local culture with thinking about the future so the main thing I hear is complaints that there aren't many tourists with account for 75% of the island's economy. We see posts on Facebook, see features on foreign media sites like NYT and BBC. We have friends among locals and foreigners who've been involved with helping refugees and we've stocked up on food and water in case of a shortage. Otherwise, back to daily life.
11-27 - A local who calls himself Putu Hiking who guided Katrinka's son to the top of Mt. Agung a couple of years ago sent her this video he took yesterday. He's not leaving and he's two kilometers further away than the six kilometer evacuation zone - less than five miles from the place where the smoke and magma come out. We've offered him and his family refuge here. Hope he doesn't need it.
11-27 - I just talked to Nyoman about Agung. He's a driver and assistant whom I've used for over three years and see almost daily. I asked (in Indonesian) if people were talking about Agung. He at first had to think about what I was referring to then said, the mountain? Yeah, the volcano. Are people talking about it? Oh yeah it's smoking. I kept pushing him. And he said oh it's only the nearby six kilometers they're concenred about. It's not unusual. Wow. Not unusual? Hasn't been like this since 63. Meanwhile we've got a few extra rations and making extra drinking water with our filter.
11-27 - We live in Sanur, about 40 miles from the Mt. Agung volcano. There's not a big emphasis here in the local culture with thinking about the future so the main thing I hear is complaints that there aren't many tourists with account for 75% of the island's economy. We see posts on Facebook, see features on foreign media sites like NYT and BBC. We have friends among locals and foreigners who've been involved with helping refugees and we've stocked up on food and water in case of a shortage. Otherwise, back to daily life.
11-27 - A local who calls himself Putu Hiking who guided Katrinka's son to the top of Mt. Agung a couple of years ago sent her this video he took yesterday. He's not leaving and he's two kilometers further away than the six kilometer evacuation zone - less than five miles from the place where the smoke and magma come out. We've offered him and his family refuge here. Hope he doesn't need it.
11-27 - I just talked to Nyoman about Agung. He's a driver and assistant whom I've used for over three years and see almost daily. I asked (in Indonesian) if people were talking about Agung. He at first had to think about what I was referring to then said, the mountain? Yeah, the volcano. Are people talking about it? Oh yeah it's smoking. I kept pushing him. And he said oh it's only the nearby six kilometers they're concenred about. It's not unusual. Wow. Not unusual? Hasn't been like this since 63. Meanwhile we've got a few extra rations and making extra drinking water with our filter.
Concluding Statement of Q and A Shosan Ceremony at end of first Practice Period
As I said this afternoon in my lecture, the
second master of my temple in Japan was studying Zuigan's addressing his own
name for six years it was not enough. After he found out the truth of
addressing himself is addressing to the Buddha nature, addressing to our Shakyamuni
Buddha, the true practice started in my temple. Sometimes many students,
sometimes quite few students, but that practice incessantly continues so far.
But his practice will continue forever and pervade whole world, whole universe,
because this is the truth how everything exists in each world and each world
without any contradiction or disturbance exists at the same time in the same
way. As I believe in this truth, I am here now in Tassajara, and practicing our
way with you. This is not Japanese way or --
American way, and Japanese way and American way. I don't mind which is which. May we continue this practice without any misunderstanding forever with all sentient beings. Thank you very much. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
American way, and Japanese way and American way. I don't mind which is which. May we continue this practice without any misunderstanding forever with all sentient beings. Thank you very much. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Question 25 (Male): I want to say something, but
I have nothing to say, still I am saying something.
SR: When you want to say something, when you are finding out what to say, there
is--that is enough. Actually whatever you say, that will not be enough.
#25: That is my feeling. Thank you very much. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whSatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Friday, November 24, 2017
Question 24: A definition, Roshi. I would like
to answer your question before I ask mine. You say, Prajnaparamita, same as
zazen and same as Buddha's bowl or Buddha's head. Emptiness is form, form is
emptiness. Now I'd like to ask my question. If we live in suffering, for to
live is to suffer, and we seek Buddha nature, or Buddhahood to end reincarnation
of suffering, Buddha is emptiness, the Bodhisattva suffers just a little more.
Why must we seek the absolute?
SR: Understanding what we seek for the absolute is opposite. Absolute reveal itself as form. When we try to seek for the absolute, that absolute is not true absolute because the absolute cannot be object of training--of practice. If it is object of our training, that is not absolute any more. So the only way, only approach to the absolute is through form. That is Bodhisattva. Through Bodhisattva's practice, the absolute will reveal itself, and absolute will be on the back of Bodhisattva. So Bodhisattva is form - although it is absolute, but when Bodhisattva act as Bodhisattva, he is also Buddha. So actually Bodhisattva and the Buddha is no different. But whenever we do something, that is form and that is Bodhisattva. That maybe some other Buddha. So there is no need to seek for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: Understanding what we seek for the absolute is opposite. Absolute reveal itself as form. When we try to seek for the absolute, that absolute is not true absolute because the absolute cannot be object of training--of practice. If it is object of our training, that is not absolute any more. So the only way, only approach to the absolute is through form. That is Bodhisattva. Through Bodhisattva's practice, the absolute will reveal itself, and absolute will be on the back of Bodhisattva. So Bodhisattva is form - although it is absolute, but when Bodhisattva act as Bodhisattva, he is also Buddha. So actually Bodhisattva and the Buddha is no different. But whenever we do something, that is form and that is Bodhisattva. That maybe some other Buddha. So there is no need to seek for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Question 23 (Male): As summer follows spring,
and fall comes after, we see the wheel of karma turning within us, how can we
come to know subjectively the Buddha's way of stopping that wheel?
SR: When you hear the sound of the river and sound of the falling leaves as a Buddha's sound, you can--you have already stopped your karma, subjectively and objectively, because originally the karma itself is Buddha's way. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: When you hear the sound of the river and sound of the falling leaves as a Buddha's sound, you can--you have already stopped your karma, subjectively and objectively, because originally the karma itself is Buddha's way. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Question 22 (Ed Brown): I don't understand what
I have done.
SR: Because you want to understand, when you doing your kitchen practice -- why is it necessary to understand what you are doing? Buddha knows. At least I know, and people know. When you bow in zendo, when everything is ready, everyone knows. So find out what you are doing moment after moment, for instance, when you bow to me, when you bow to zendo, when you hear the bubbling sound of the rice. There you will find out yourself. That is call your name, address to yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: Because you want to understand, when you doing your kitchen practice -- why is it necessary to understand what you are doing? Buddha knows. At least I know, and people know. When you bow in zendo, when everything is ready, everyone knows. So find out what you are doing moment after moment, for instance, when you bow to me, when you bow to zendo, when you hear the bubbling sound of the rice. There you will find out yourself. That is call your name, address to yourself. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Mountain Top
Question 21 (Silas Hoadley): Docho Roshi, on
the mountain-top, how would desire?
SR: On the mountain-top, where you can see everything, there should be no desire, but there is.
#21: How coming down?
SR: Coming down will be your desire. You cannot, you should not, you cannot stay even on top of mountain. That is not fair. So to come down is the most important practice actually. That is so-called form is emptiness and emptiness is form. Up and down, back and forth, while you are doing this, as if you are every week coming to Tassajara and going back to San Francisco. Back and forth, while you are doing your way, your practice will be matured enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: On the mountain-top, where you can see everything, there should be no desire, but there is.
#21: How coming down?
SR: Coming down will be your desire. You cannot, you should not, you cannot stay even on top of mountain. That is not fair. So to come down is the most important practice actually. That is so-called form is emptiness and emptiness is form. Up and down, back and forth, while you are doing this, as if you are every week coming to Tassajara and going back to San Francisco. Back and forth, while you are doing your way, your practice will be matured enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Monday, November 20, 2017
Question 20 (Male): When my greed is not
satisfied, anger arises. What is the real relationship between my anger and my
SR: You think your anger comes from greed. That may not be so. Greed comes from the same thing. Anger also comes from that same thing. You should know the real cause of the greed and anger. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: You think your anger comes from greed. That may not be so. Greed comes from the same thing. Anger also comes from that same thing. You should know the real cause of the greed and anger. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Question 19 (Female): I have many relatives who
are very old, and who fear death. Is there anything I can do to help them?
SR: The only way--there is no way to repay them for their kindness. There is no way. You cannot do that. But there is only one way for you. That is to practice our way with sound body and sound mind and to be happy with what you have and what you can do. That is the only way to repay their benevolence. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: The only way--there is no way to repay them for their kindness. There is no way. You cannot do that. But there is only one way for you. That is to practice our way with sound body and sound mind and to be happy with what you have and what you can do. That is the only way to repay their benevolence. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Friday, November 17, 2017
Question 18 (Male): May one always apply the
absolute, rather than the intellectual, to existence, to his life?
SR: [Said in a kind of prayer fashion:] May all of us forget all about good and bad, and acknowledging their own position with each other. And may the perfect communication take place between them. Your wish comes from emptiness. My wish comes from various--each being. But may those two understandings get together to help with each other and attain our Buddha's way. That is my wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: [Said in a kind of prayer fashion:] May all of us forget all about good and bad, and acknowledging their own position with each other. And may the perfect communication take place between them. Your wish comes from emptiness. My wish comes from various--each being. But may those two understandings get together to help with each other and attain our Buddha's way. That is my wish. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Question 17 (male): If there is no beginning, no
end, and no existence, what is the use of a question?
SR: To recall something which is unknown, to call back something unknown, to address Buddha. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: To recall something which is unknown, to call back something unknown, to address Buddha. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Question 16 (Sheridan): In my practice, I find
there is part of me that stubbornly doesn’t want to see or to realize my true
nature. How can I work with resistance rather struggle against it in order to
become a more sincere student?
SR: “How to” is the way. How to, how to, how to. That is continuity of ‘how to’ is Buddhism. Our way is nothing but that continuity of “how to, how to, how to.” Whatever scripture you read, what is written in it is how to help all sentient beings attain enlightenment and liberation, how to, how to, how to. You are one of the sentient beings and you’re trying to save them, save all sentient beings including yourself. That is how to, how to, how to. You see? “How to” is very valuable word. Actually it is not you trying hard to attain enlightenment. Buddha is trying to do so--how to, how to, how to. Like your mother, you know, trying to communicate with you: “How to communicate with you?” she may say. Same thing. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: “How to” is the way. How to, how to, how to. That is continuity of ‘how to’ is Buddhism. Our way is nothing but that continuity of “how to, how to, how to.” Whatever scripture you read, what is written in it is how to help all sentient beings attain enlightenment and liberation, how to, how to, how to. You are one of the sentient beings and you’re trying to save them, save all sentient beings including yourself. That is how to, how to, how to. You see? “How to” is very valuable word. Actually it is not you trying hard to attain enlightenment. Buddha is trying to do so--how to, how to, how to. Like your mother, you know, trying to communicate with you: “How to communicate with you?” she may say. Same thing. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Question 15 (Peter Schneider): Docho Roshi, do
you have some question?
SR: Yes, I have question. Why are you so serious? (Silence, then Peter laughs, and then the whole assembly breaks into laughter.) If you start to laugh, that is all right.
Peter: I am deeply grateful. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: Yes, I have question. Why are you so serious? (Silence, then Peter laughs, and then the whole assembly breaks into laughter.) If you start to laugh, that is all right.
Peter: I am deeply grateful. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Question 14 (Pat Herreshoff): Do we, each and
everyone of us, have inside of us a wish granting gem, a magic jewel, that if
you wish sincerely and deeply for something, this will help with our effort,
and if so, how can this become significant in our practice?
SR: Whatever you have, that is actually gem. We shouldn’t expect it from outside. Then all the jewel you have, spiritually and mentally will serve its own purpose without destroying you. You shouldn’t expect from outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: Whatever you have, that is actually gem. We shouldn’t expect it from outside. Then all the jewel you have, spiritually and mentally will serve its own purpose without destroying you. You shouldn’t expect from outside. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Question 13 (male): What is meant by the
statement: “Cessation of thought is the cause of thought”?
SR: What is quotation from?
#13: From your lecture this afternoon.
SR: I cannot figure out, I am sorry. This afternoon--what I meant was, incessant practice is necessary. Before autumn come, already autumn is here. You see? There is no gap between autumn and spring. So when summer come, before summer is over autumn is here. There is no gap between it. So is our practice. True practice has no gap between it. So one practice will be continued through and through forever.
SR: What is quotation from?
#13: From your lecture this afternoon.
SR: I cannot figure out, I am sorry. This afternoon--what I meant was, incessant practice is necessary. Before autumn come, already autumn is here. You see? There is no gap between autumn and spring. So when summer come, before summer is over autumn is here. There is no gap between it. So is our practice. True practice has no gap between it. So one practice will be continued through and through forever.
Friday, November 10, 2017
Question 12 (Marian Derby): Great stress seems
to have been made on sitting quietly, and yet Buddha gave up asceticism. I
can’t reconcile the two, because there is so much pain in sitting quietly.
SR: Zazen practice is supposed to be the easiest way to practice our way or to understand our way. So you should practice it when you really want to, but for a while until your real way-seeking mind arise, you will be forced -zazen practice will be forced on you. Something which does not like to be forced on you is not the true way. True way at first looks like some morality, or something which was forced on you. This is quite usual, but it will not be so forever. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: Zazen practice is supposed to be the easiest way to practice our way or to understand our way. So you should practice it when you really want to, but for a while until your real way-seeking mind arise, you will be forced -zazen practice will be forced on you. Something which does not like to be forced on you is not the true way. True way at first looks like some morality, or something which was forced on you. This is quite usual, but it will not be so forever. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Question 11: Why is self-centeredness so hard to
SR: Because you try to get rid of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: Because you try to get rid of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Question #10: How does one cut off consciousness
at the root?
SR: There is no root for the consciousness. If you understand this, you already cut off the root of consciousness. All that you do, all the consciousness is--has no root. It is rooted, you should know that it is rooted, it is firmly rooted on Buddha nature. Again form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: There is no root for the consciousness. If you understand this, you already cut off the root of consciousness. All that you do, all the consciousness is--has no root. It is rooted, you should know that it is rooted, it is firmly rooted on Buddha nature. Again form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
A musical offering
Karan Bindra has a nice presentation of a favorite Shunryu Suzuki quote of his here on Youtube. - thanks Peter Ford
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
RIP Del Carlson
Del died peacefully at 7:55 am on this day, November 7th in Florida where he's been living for some years now. He would have been 94 in December. Got the word from his close friend Eric Kaljo Roos here in Bali. Del's niece Nancy will save some ashes to be sprinkled on rice fields near Eric's home here in Bali where Del visited about ten years ago.
Del Carlson cuke page
That's a recent photo of Del when he was in the hospital for a while.
Del Carlson cuke page
That's a recent photo of Del when he was in the hospital for a while.
Question 9 (Mike Dixon): What is the difference
between sesshin and everyday life? This is a useless question.
SR: Of course sesshin is everyday life; everyday life is sesshin. Although, the way is different, but that is the different expression of our practice. Again form is emptiness and emptiness is form. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: Of course sesshin is everyday life; everyday life is sesshin. Although, the way is different, but that is the different expression of our practice. Again form is emptiness and emptiness is form. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Monday, November 6, 2017
Question 8 (female): Where does the need come
from to bow to Buddha, and who is Buddha when we bow?SR: When you bow, who Buddha? When you bow, you are the Buddha. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Question 7 (male): When many of us leave here
and leave your sticks and your lectures, it will be difficult to continue good
zazen. You suggested one method of calling our name or finger. The question is:
since there is no subject who is doing zazen, who is calling and who is being
SR: When you call your name, you will immediately--you will immediately feel yourself. When you feel yourself, that is--you feel the Shakyamuni Buddha’s voice. Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: When you call your name, you will immediately--you will immediately feel yourself. When you feel yourself, that is--you feel the Shakyamuni Buddha’s voice. Form is emptiness, and emptiness is form. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Friday, November 3, 2017
Question 6 (male): One hears so often in Zen
about doing what one must do rather than what one wants to do. Is it possible
to know what one must do before one has the desire to do it.
SR: Your teacher will put you in that circumstance. Follow our way. At first you think you are following the way, but soon you will drive the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
SR: Your teacher will put you in that circumstance. Follow our way. At first you think you are following the way, but soon you will drive the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Question 5 (female): Why is it necessary to have
some kind of unusual experience in order to practice Buddhism?SR: To open up your mind wider and wider. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture 67-08-24-B as found on Edited by DC - Many Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts on - from there links to much more. Going slowly through Suzuki transcripts featuring whatever is next that seems okay, not just the super cool ones.
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