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Sunday, August 12, 2018


Anyone remember Richard Sassoon? Got the following query from Joel Evans, Capital Campaign Manager at the SFZC.

We've recently been informed of a legacy gift from Richard Sassoon to SFZC. Richard died in 2017. We're trying to piece together the story of why he would remember us in his estate plans.

We have this snip of a bio: Richard Sassoon lived in the San Francisco Bay area during the 1960s and was involved in various theatrical productions—writing, directing, and managing several companies. He moved to Boulder in 1975, where he counseled students and taught meditation at Naropa Institute (now University) and Karma Dzong (now the Shambhala Center). Richard was a practiced mediator, painter, writer, and a quintessential philosopher.

I see this link to the SF Mime Troupe, where someone by his name adapted Tartuffe for a 1964 production. Mime Troupe

Trying to get closer in, there's this interesting citation The Cuke, which indicates a friendship with Ken Spiker (with references to Suzuki Roshi and Daniel Moore). I don't find Ken Spiker in our database. Perhaps you know how to reach him?

While Richard was also a lover of Sylvia Plath, I don't expect that's relevant!
