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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Lew Richmond Aging Blog and new book

Lew writes: I am most pleased to announce that my new book on Men and Aging, tentatively titled Every Breath, New Chances: A Guide to Aging for Men will be published in 2020 by North Atlantic Books.  

Old Oak Tree

EVERY BREATH, NEW CHANCES, my new book on aging, is focused on men's aging issues. Its approach is not as explicitly Buddhist as AGING AS A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE, and rather than a series of different contemplative exercises, I teach variations on a single one, which I call "Every Breath, New Chances." I learned this phrase from one of my Japanese Buddhist teachers, who taught it both as a specific meditation and as a general approach to life. As a general teaching "every breath, new chances" means that we are always re-inventing ourselves on each breath, and that every situation offers fresh opportunities if we are alert to them . . . (to continue, click on the Aging Blog link below.  At the end of the blog I ask people to let me know if they would like to participate in one of my on-line discussion groups.  For people on this mailing list, you can reply to this email directly, thank you! 

Lew's email address for this list: Lewis Richmond <lewwebsite (at) earthlink (dot) net> 

Lew Richmond Cuke page - just put a note there that it's hard to keep up with all that Lew does.