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Monday, November 4, 2019

Firewood and Ash

Dogen the founder of Soto School of Zen explained you should not think firewood becomes ash. Firewood has it’s own period and ash also has it own period . Ash has its own personal future, so does firewood. So firewood is independent and ash is independent. When we understand self in that way, that self includes everything: its own personal future and everything which exists with firewood or ash. That does not mean to have some substantial idea of ash. It is not some substance but it something named ash, includes everything and related to everything. This is also the understanding of reality and understanding of self. Only when we understand in this way, can we understand Buddhism, not only Buddhism. I think, I hope, your understanding will be available to understand your life and to understand others' life and to understand science and everything.  -------------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-06-28 as found on Edited by DC