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Saturday, January 11, 2020

How to find things on Cuke dot com

I frequently get emails from people asking a question and wondering if it's on but they are intimidated by the site which is so sprawling and don't know how to find it. Here's an answer I sent today from someone who wanted to read about Mel Weitsman. I wrote:

You can do what I would do to answer your question. This is how I usually look things up while I'm working and it's no different from what someone else in cyberland could do. I go to online (not in my computer) and write a key word in the site search box on the home page up top. In this case I'd write "weitsman." Then I'd look at the list of links that come up. [sometimes the search fails or too much unuseful material can be displayed from the What's New Blog - in which case I click on "Search Only." Or for a failed search I go to any page listed in the dropdown menu and use the site search box on all of them.

Another way to go to Mel's cuke page is to click on the People drop down tab on the menu up top. Then when it drops down, the top link is Names. I'd click on that and a list of about 500 names appears. Then I'd hit Ctrl F for PC or Cmnd F for Mac and write "weitsman" and it goes right away to his name which is a link to his main page.

The Site Search feature of Cuke was set up by the talented Peter Ford. Thanks Peter!