That's the ID of this photo. Only a few faces left unidentified. All the names we know are listed below it on And now there's a link from there to a page with the photo where you can see the names by putting the cursor over the person's visage. And here's the link to that, the interactive photo with names.
--thanks Peter Ford
Got this posted now with most names below and a link to an interactive page with names revealed by cursor over person. People not sure of have a ? Names not sure of: Paul Haley (36?), Ken Campbell, And where's Dan Welch?, Ken Campbell, Gail Mueler? Behind Bob Halpern is Rick Morton. or maybe Stanley White. Or maybe Stanley is not in it. who's that to the left of Peter Schneider far left 2nd row from bottom? Who's the woman to the right above frowning Mary Quagliata? Who's the small woman to the right above Bill Kwong? Who's mostly hidden between Katharine Thanas and Kathy Cook? Who would that be behind?