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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

RIP Taihaku Priest

Dear Sangha and Friends,
It is with great sadness that I report that our dearly beloved teacher and abbot, Rev. Taihaku, passed away early this morning, May 24th, unexpectedly in the night of a heart attack.
She often said that death is like “jumping into a ginger ale pool” – her joyful effervescence extending even beyond this life. 
Final arrangements are being determined in conjunction with her family and the Soto Zen Order.
May we together support her vision for Shao Shan Temple to be a flowering of the Dharma for the next 700 years.
With immense gratitude for her life, teachings, and founding of Shao Shan Temple,
In the Dharma,

Reverend Taihaku Seiren Priest trained at Hokyoji in Japan, and received Dharma Transmission from Tanaka-Shinkai

Shao Shan Temple

125 Cranberry Meadow Rd.
East CalaisVT  05650

Josho Pat Phelan wrote: Taihaku was Jeff Broadbent's first wife. The day I moved into the SFZC, Suzuki Roshi was performing their wedding.