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Saturday, October 30, 2021

ALERT! Found a Bad Mistake

 A bad mistake in the audiobook for Crooked Cucumber: the Life and Zen Teaching of Shunryu Suzuki available now on Audible. In place of chapter 3 is chapter 8. So please don't buy it till that's fixed. I've written Audible but I'm not the client, Shambhala is. I've sent a few folks at Shambhala an email alerting them to this problem so they can get hold of the audio lab they use and get this item frozen until the correct file is uploaded. That's easy to do with Audible but I can't do it. It's the weekend for Shambhala but maybe one of those I've contacted will read the email and get the brakes put on.  This is my fault to. Ouch. I'm not really stressing about it. Just dealing with it. Just learned about it - so did Shambhala. The lab put it up without telling them.  - dc

Following from prior posts

 “The Buddha's way is unsurpassable. I vow to attain it.” The same thing will be true with this vow. In this way, we should take vow and we should keep our precepts. When you receive precepts, you know, you say, “I will,” you know, “keep it,” you say. When I give you precepts, you say, “I will keep it.” It is not even promise. When you say, “ I will do it,” by words that is how you keep precepts. “I will do it.” That's enough.                --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Friday, October 29, 2021


 “The dharma is boundless. I vow to master them.” Here it says also “boundless,” the boundless dharma. I vow to master it. So our vow will continue forever, and we-- we can believe in our boundless dhamma.                 --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. DC Note: Japanese doesn't use plurals the way we do, so Suzuki's lecture transcripts are full of curious number contradictions, some of them were on purpoe such as "things as it is" though he also said "things as they are.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

I will do it!

When you receive precepts in its true sense as Buddha expected. Why don't you say, “Yes, I will do it.” [Hits table several times.] That is what Buddha wanted you to say. That's all. And whether you can keep it, you know, in next moment or next day is not the point. Do you understand?                  --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Forever Encouraged

“Desires are inexhaustible. I vow to put an end to them.”  If the purpose of keeping precepts is to annihilate our desires, that is not possible. It's a contradiction. But if the purpose of vow is to arise our buddha-mind, then it makes sense. The “inexhaustible” gives us some encouragement, and we can continue our practice forever. And we- will have firm confidence in our practice which continues forever. So we will be encouraged by this vow forever.                 --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Audiobook Crooked Cucumber


Published by Shambhala Publications

This is the 2nd edition of Crooked Cucumber, available only on audiobook.

To see what changes were made between the first and second edition, go to


So “Sentient beings are numberless.” Maybe, you know, it means that sentient beings are numberless. I vow to save them moment after moment, continuously. But “moment after moment, continuously” is not necessary. “I vow to save them” is strong enough and good enough. “I vow to save them.” If sentient beings are numberless, we will take this vow numberless times, that's all [laughs]. In this way, we feel feeling of quite different quality. We feel the eternal practice of our way, of our Buddhist way. ”Sentient beings are numberless” means that our practice will continue forever.                 --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

Newly Discovered Shunryu Suzuki Lectures

Found at the /SFZC City Center. Thirty of them or twenty-nine. I've heard both. Anyway, we're slowly getting to transcribing them. Would you like to help? Maybe do the first pass on one of them. Doesn't have to be perfect because we always double or even triple check them. The audio is now on the SFZC's Engaged Wisdom site and also linked to from Help us add the transcripts if you would be so kind. Just respond to dchad at cuke dot com. Thanks. DC


To be a Buddhist, moment after moment, we take vow. So it is not necessary to think about whether this is possible or not. When you take vow or when you keep precepts wondering if it's possible, your way is already is not Buddhist way. You have fallen into the superficial practice of “you should do” or “you should not,” or “you should take vow” or “you shouldn't take vow.” To take vow is to observe our way. So this is one of the way of the many ways to practice our way, like zazen practice.                --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Ryuten Paul Rosenblum Sunday Zooming


~ Sitting Intimately ~
Sunday, October 24th
9:00 AM (MDT)

This message from Crestone Mt. Zen Center

Belated Happy Birthday Philip Whalen


Philip Whalen - October 20, 1923 to June 26, 2002

Thanks David Silva

Philip Whalen cuke page

There is no need to think, “I have to keep or observe precepts or vow forever.” Actually we don't know what we will do in next moment [laughs]. It is very difficult to know, to be sure about our future. But even so, it is right now to say “I will not kill!” That is enough to arise buddha-mind. Even though it is not possible to save all sentient beings, but moment after moment if you say, “I must save all sentient being”-- then you have buddha-mind.               --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Friday, October 22, 2021


When you fell into the idea of more usual, secular understanding of precepts, you will say, “I will not kill without reason” [laughs]. It means that if there is some reason, we can kill. By saying so we are making some excuse to kill. But why we have to make this kind of excuse is because you think the purpose of keeping precepts or taking vow is to attain enlightenment. And if you do not observe precepts, or do not take vow, you think you will not be a Buddhist or you will not attain enlightenment.   --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Seems Impossible to Do

Same thing will be true with keeping precepts, you know. We should not kill: We should not take life without reason. “Without reason” is extra. We shouldn't say “without reason.” We should just say, “Should not kill.” [Taps table four times.] That is enough, you know.                --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


So to take vow, this is the way: “Sentient beings are numberless. I vow to save them.” Sentient being are numberless -- if they are numberless, you know, how is it possible to save them? [Laughs.]                --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


But when we think of precepts like the Ten Prohibitory Precepts, we feel if we fail to observe those ten precepts, even one of the ten, we will not be a good Buddhist - as if the purpose of taking vow or taking precepts is just to observe those things literally. That is maybe the usual way of understanding precepts. But the true purpose of precepts is not just to observe precepts so that we can attain enlightenment. Why we observe precepts or why we take vow is to actualize Buddha's spirit.               --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Monday, October 18, 2021


Buddha had no idea of setting up precepts. When someone do something wrong, Buddha just said, “That is not right. Why don't you do it this way?” That was the precept-- the original precept. So there were no precepts in term of “This is a precepts all Buddhists should keep.”               --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Saturday, October 16, 2021


So-calledMahayana Buddhist arise was mainly Buddhism or teaching of Buddhism became more and more concrete or caught by concrete idea of some particular teaching or some precepts. And they rigidly tried to stick to the teaching. They respected the teaching too much and tried to preserve the teaching, and that was the purpose of the priest especially. And this kind of effort resulted in a very rigid understanding of precepts or teaching.              --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Friday, October 15, 2021

Take Vow

To take vow is very important. To believe in Buddhism means to take vow. If you don't take vow, life will be life of karma. Only when we take vow, our life is life of Buddhist. And how to take vow may be the most important point.             --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021


 In Agama Sutra, they say Buddha passed away by his own choice. And because he finished his task, because he has nothing to do more in this world, he took nirvana, it says. So underlying thought is already to help others, to save sentient beings. Usually, you know, Mahayana Buddhist denounced Hinayana Buddhism. They said Hinayana Buddhist just practice our way to help themselves, not to help others. That is what they say, but actually when they say in Agama Sutra that he took nirvana because he finished his task in this world, it means that already he came to this world to save others. And in various so-called Hinayana sutra, we find this kind of thought. Anyway, those vows are supposed to be Mahayana-- Bodhisattva's vow or Mahayana vow, but actually, those four vows are vows for all Buddhists. All Buddhists should have this vow.            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


The Agama Sutra is supposed to be the oldest Buddhist sutra but even in Agama Sutra Bodhisattva thought is there. It says, Shujo muhen-- ”Sentient beings are numberless. I vow to save them.” Why Buddha, you know, came to this world is to save sentient beings. Buddha, he did not come to this world because of the karma.            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2021


This morning I want to explain how to take our bodhisattva's vow. We say “bodhisattva's vow,” but actually this is not only Mahayana Buddhist vow but also all the Buddhists' vow. When we say Mahayana, usually it means that the something superior teaching in contrast with Hinayana. But this may not be real understanding. According to Dogen Zenji, this is not right understanding, to say “Hinayana” or “Mahayana.”           --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-29 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

Peter Coyote's new book of poetry

Tongue of a Crow
- Amazon link

Check out the Merry Pranksters on Facebook for the October 13th interview with Peter about this new book and whatever else they get into.

Check out Peter's 80th Birthday Party and Live Reading/Book Signing in Davis October 14th

Peter Coyote dot come

Peter Coyote cuke page

Like a Child

 [After the chant (the last line of which is, "Buddhas way is unsurpassable. I vow to attain it.) at the conclusion of the lecture, Suzuki added:]

Umm – I vow to attain it. That is our practice. Don’t say, I’m just a human a being or It is not possible for me to attain it. Don’t say so. I vow to attain it. Like a child do it. That is our practice.           --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-20 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Issan and Steve Allen

 The End of the Rainbow - on Ken Ireland's Koan Conversations blog


Our practice should not be so difficult [laughs], but it is difficult, you know. That is our way. So you cannot say our way is very easy [laughs]. Or you cannot say our way is very difficult. It is not difficult at all. Everyone can do it, but to continue it is rather difficult. Don't you think so? [Laughs, laughter.] You agree with this point [laughs, laughter].           --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-20 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Friday, October 8, 2021


The feeling of practice can be extended various ways, that is the, maybe, the beauty of the practice. Here we have simplicity and a variety of the feeling of practice. Simple and rich. Strong and weak. Strong and kind. This is, you know, our practice. So you cannot say what is our practice-- because it can be various virtues.          --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-20 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021


My husband has an amazing body! Today is his 88th birthday and he mentioned this morning that he has never been hospitalized, never broken a bone, and never had surgery. Could it be all that genmai cha he drinks? Or maybe that he's always sure to have orchids in the house, and arranges his table so that he's looking at a garden as he drinks his tea, with sun streaming in behind him and the dog at his feet? -

Linda Hess on Kazuaki Tanahashi from a Facebook post October 5, 2021.

Kaz Tanahashi cuke page

Continuing from Yesterday

If you understand our way in that way, that is simplicity.           --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-20 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


When we are not afraid of anything, that will be unperturbability. And when the effort is understood to the point that it is simplicity, then there is no need to make an effort in various directions. The only way is just to be yourself on each moment. Our only way is to be concentrated on what we do, completely.            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-20 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021


We do not see things objectively as something good or bad, or strong or weak because, you know, we are strong enough to accept things as it is. So for us who have big mind there is no need to be afraid of anything. But we do not ignore anything. That is strictness of the way.            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-20 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Monday, October 4, 2021


We say soft mind, you know. It is, at the same time, it is big mind, because we do not stick to anything.           --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-20 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Paul Shippe online Workshop

 On compassionate communication and mindfulness 

every other Tuesday, 4:00 – 5:30 or 6:00 pm MT

starting October 12, 2021

Paul Shippee cuke page


Student A: You said when we had the smallest something, we will fall into lower states. I didn't understand what word you used. It sounded like cup.

Audience: Gap.

Student B: Gap.

SR: Gap, yeah. Gap between our efforts.          --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-20 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo. 

Friday, October 1, 2021

A Shocking Expose

Old ZC character Pasquale wrote:

I first met you in Berkeley or Oakland with Alan Watts. This was at someone's house, they had a little stream into a pond on the side of the house. Alan just walked inside to prepare for a lecture and you went behind some bushes and pissed in the stream while your buddy recorded the sounds of the stream and your pissing. Later, he included that sounds at the beginning of a recorded lecture of Alan Watts. I can't remember if that was 1970 or 1967. I met Alan at his houseboat in 1967, I can't remember which year, but this is true. Absolutely, true. 

The first question tomorrow

I will not repeat same thing over and over again [laughs, laughter]. I think this is enough. To change our topic or angle of understanding, if you have some question, please ask me. Hai.          --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 69-04-20 - as found on Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Got to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo.