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Friday, January 28, 2022

Tom Silk

Longtime SFZC and personal friend Tom Silk passed away peacefully on the morning of January 25th. His wife Kathleen and daughter Nicole were with him. Kathleen wrote, "Tom passed away yesterday morning.  His health had been deteriorating for quite some time, and the last downward slide was mercifully short.  Until the end he was fully conscious, upbeat, humorous, planning changes to his garden, and speculating about the newest 2020 election revelations until almost the last minute.

He died at home, with characteristic grit and serenity, attended by his daughter Nicole and me. As much as he influenced the development of your organizations, he was in turn influenced by them himself and those influences stood him in good stead personally for the rest of his life."

How sad to hear Tom has left us here to be without him. What a great and wonderful person he was. I'm deeply indebted to Tom for his support and advice through the years - and a lot of fun. I was just thinking of him and a song we recently recorded that I wanted him to hear. I will think of him a lot for a while now and I'll send him messages with my heart. I'm glad we've had the talks we've had in recent times, the last one just a couple of months ago. - DC

Please share any thoughts, anecdotes, memories, or, photos of Tom that you are inclined to share here on the Kudoboard.