Another woman has declined to be a Cuke podcast guest. I told her it's hard to get female podcast guests. It makes the oral history of this mainly Zen crowd look like it's mainly a male thing which isn't true. At least not like numbers show. I went to the Cuke Podcast Page which lists the guests (Life in Bali guests are on a separate page) and counted 20 women out of 99 so far. That's one in 5, exactly if you count me as the 80th male. Then I counted the posthumous podcast guests, the ones where I read their interviews and whatever and talked about them. Out of eight, six were women. Of the Life in Bali podcast guests, 29 have been male and 26 female. Of course I have my ideas about why these gender numbers are the way they are but they're just speculative. I wonder what a sociological study would come up with.
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