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Wednesday, August 31, 2022


For Zen students the most important thing is not to be dualistic. We should not lose our self-satisfied state of mind. We should not be too demanding or we should not be too greedy. Our mind should be always rich and self-satisfied. When our mind becomes demanding, or when we become longing for something, we will violate our precepts not to kill, not to be immoral, not to steal, or not to tell a lie, and so on. Those are based on our greedy mind. When our mind is satisfied, we keep our precepts. When we ourselves are always self-satisfied, we have our original beauty, and we can practice good, and we are always true to ourselves.             --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-11-11 - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

DC - This is the famous Beginner's Mind lecture. Since the audio tape was recently discovered, there is some material that differs from the transcripts that we had. What is excerpted from the new verbatim transcript will not include all of the verbatim lecture. For that and access to light edit and other transcribed versions and audio, go here.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022


 If we keep our beginner’s mind, we keep our precepts. When we lose our beginner’s mind, we will lose all the precepts.            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-11-11 - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

DC - This is the famous Beginner's Mind lecture. Since the audio tape was recently discovered, there is some material that differs from the transcripts that we had. What is excerpted from the new verbatim transcript will not include all of the verbatim lecture. For that and access to light edit and other transcribed versions and audio, go here.

Monday, August 29, 2022


The founder of our school emphasized this point. We have to remain always beginner's mind. And this is the secret of Zen, and secret of various practice—practice of flower arrangement, practice of Japanese singing, and various art.            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-11-11 - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

DC - This is the famous Beginner's Mind lecture. Since the audio tape was recently discovered, there is some material that differs from the transcripts that we had. What is excerpted from the new verbatim transcript will not include all of the verbatim lecture. For that and access to light edit and other transcribed versions and audio, go here.

Saturday, August 27, 2022


Finished the audiobook for Thank You and OK!: an American Zen Failure in Japan and sent the files in to Shambhala Early this morning while it was still mid afternoon yesterday in Boulder. So they'll be sent to the Audible lab soon and it should be available within a month or two. Started work on it in April. The last six weeks it has monopolized my time. Will be making a new page as a reference for the audiobook and the book in general. Here's the current Thank You and OK page. 

 Think I'll take a walk. - dc


Most Important Thing

In beginner’s mind we have many possibilities, but in expert mind there is not much possibilities. So, in our practice the important thing is to resume to our original mind, or our inmost mind, which even we ourselves do not know what it is. This is the most important thing for us.             --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-11-11 - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

DC - This is the famous Beginner's Mind lecture. Since the audio tape was recently discovered, there is some material that differs from the transcripts that we had. What is excerpted from the new verbatim transcript will not include all of the verbatim lecture. For that and access to light edit and other transcribed versions and audio, go here.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Easily Lose

We recited Prajna Paramita Sutra this morning only once. I think we recited very well, but what will happen to us if we recite twice, three times, four times and more? Then we will easily lose our original attitude in reciting sutra. If we continue to practice one year, two years, three years, our beginner's mind will have some pattern, and we will lose the limitless meaning of original mind.            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-11-11 - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

DC - This is the famous Beginner's Mind lecture. Since the audio tape was recently discovered, there is some material that differs from the transcripts that we had. What is excerpted from the new verbatim transcript will not include all of the verbatim lecture. For that and access to light edit and other transcribed versions and audio, go here.

Thursday, August 25, 2022


Zen became more and more impure. After Zen school established in China, it is a development of Zen, but at the same time it became impure. But I don’t want to talk about Chinese Zen or history of Zen this morning, but I want to talk about why it is difficult. You came here this morning. Getting up early is very valuable experience for you. Just you wanted to come here is very valuable. We say “shoshin.” Shoshin means beginner’s mind. If we can keep beginner’s mind always, that is the goal of our practice.            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-11-11 - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

DC - This is the famous Beginner's Mind lecture. Since the audio tape was recently discovered, there is some material that differs from the transcripts that we had. What is excerpted from the new verbatim transcript will not include all of the verbatim lecture. For that and access to light edit and other transcribed versions and audio, go here.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Howie Klein

Check out last Saturday's podcast with Howie Klein. He came from Millbrook to the SFZC at the behest of Alan Marlowe and Diane di Prima in 1973. He migrated eventually to Trungpa land Boulder. Lots of stops along the way. His close friend Barbara Handler wrote this poem for his recent 80th birthday. 


People say to study Zen is difficult, in what way—but there is some misunderstanding why it is difficult. It is not difficult because to sit in cross-legged position is hard, or to attain enlightenment is hard, but it is hard to keep our mind pure, and to keep our practice pure in original way.            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-11-11 - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

DC - This is the famous Beginner's Mind lecture. Since the audio tape was recently discovered, there is some material that differs from the transcripts that we had. What is excerpted from the new verbatim transcript will not include all of the verbatim lecture. For that and access to light edit and other transcribed versions and audio, go here.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Over the Door

Student D: What does it say over the door of the zendo? What is the saying over the door?

SR: That was written by Takashina Zenji, at present Archbishop. And it says, “To take refuge in Buddha.”            --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

DC: That's over one of the doors to the zendo at Sokoji. I don't remember it so I'm not sure where it was. Maybe it's in one of the photos on

Monday, August 22, 2022


 Student C: Why doesn’t the Soto school use the koan?

 SR: That is some technique to give instruction. I shouldn’t say “technique.” Their way to give your zazen structure.

Student C: Does the Soto school have something?

SR: We use koan too. And actually, in Dogen Zenji’s Shobogenzo there are many, many koans. And there are many, many interpretation of koans, and his own answer to the koan. “My answer to those koan is like this,” he says. So, [laughs] we use koan too. We do not ignore koan. We do not ignore anything, precepts and Hinayana way and Mahayana way. But it is impossible to study everything, so according to the person and according to his character, you can study whatever you like.           --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Family Way

Student B: What is the basic difference between the Rinzai and Soto zazen? Is there much difference?

SR: Both have some different characteristic. We are concentrated on the fundamental way or traditional way originated from Buddha. And Rinzai emphasize its own characteristic character or “family” way, we say "kafu" family way. We have five families in China. Zen has five families. Rinzai, Soto, Obaku: those three were introduced to Japan. And Igyo, Ummon. There are some more. Hogen, Igyo—oh, I said Igyo. Five or seven schools. We do not emphasize our family way so much, but fundamental way. We treat Zen as Buddhism itself. Not Zen, but Buddhism. For us Zen and Buddhism is same. But for Rinzai, Buddhism is not good enough; Rinzai is better. [Laughs, laughter] that is Rinzai’s idea [laughs]. We think Buddhism and Zen is the same.           --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Friday, August 19, 2022

Barton Stone inducted onto the Living Peace Wall

This came as a surprise to Barton. See what he wrote about it on his cuke page.

Also there's a link on that page to a piece cut from Crooked Cucumber about his peace work in the early sixties - with Shunryu Suzuki's blessing and how Suzuki visited Barton in prison.


Student A: You mentioned you think we may need some more precepts here in the United States. Can you suggest some?

SR: [Laughs] No, not now [laughs]. I don’t want to disturb your practices [laughter, laughs].           --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Thursday, August 18, 2022


As long as our effort is based on a self-centered idea, there is no congenial life in a human being. Because of reflecting on ourselves and respecting precepts and rules, we will know the direction to make effort, and we will have right orientation of our life. This is how or why we practice Zen and how Buddhism has been developed.          --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


I think you will have more difficulty in practicing zazen in America actually. It may be more difficult than what we do in Japan. But this difficulty should be continued forever, or else we will not have peace in our world.         --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Other Precepts

Strictly speaking we should have some other precepts—more [laughs] if—but you say, “Why don’t you make it simpler?” [Laughs] but I think you have to add some more because our precepts are prepared in Japan. So, here, you have to have other [laughs] precepts.        --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Monday, August 15, 2022

Annual Layers

How many useless things we did until we came to this life? For human being I don’t know how long. From egg born animal [laughs] and to fish and, you know, some animals and monkeys and—I don’t know, but we wasted so many times [laughs], so many effort until we come to this life—human life. And as a big tree in Muir Wood has annual layers—cycle —if you cut your life in other way we have, you know, annual layer in our life, I think. That is precepts. You say that we don't want it, but we have it [laughs]. So as long as you have it, you have to sit, and you have to know how to continue your effort, and you have another annual ring or annual layer on your self. In this way we will develop Buddhism more and more.       --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Saturday, August 13, 2022


And so, we should be very grateful to the rigid, formal way of practicing Zen. Because of the great mercy of Buddha, he prepared for us many precepts. You may think those precepts are useless. If it is impossible to observe it, that’s useless. But our life that we have now is the result of the useless effort.      --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Friday, August 12, 2022


 The aim we have may not be perfect, but that is—even though it is not perfect, it is necessary for us. It is like a precepts. Even though it is almost impossible to observe it, we have to have it. Without that we cannot actualize our way, Buddha’s spirit.      --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Thursday, August 11, 2022


My teacher Kishizawa Roshi always said, “You have to have vow or aim to accomplish.” If you do not have your aim of life, you cannot be a good Buddhist.     --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Wednesday, August 10, 2022


In your everyday life, without any purpose or any aim, you cannot organize your life. Without knowing what you are going to be [laughs], you cannot make your effort. Because you have your own aim to accomplish, you can make your effort in your best.    --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Rules etc

Because of the rules we have, because of the way of sitting, way of practice, it is possible to be concentrated on something.    --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Monday, August 8, 2022


If you want to practice this kind of practice as a good example of everyday life, you want your friend, you want your teacher, you want the precepts we have, even though it is almost impossible to observe it, it is necessary. And some form is necessary, and some way of working or some way of taking breathing is necessary. It is not possible to be concentrated on some uncertain way.   --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Everyday Life

So, to practice Zen is a part of everyday life. Everyday life is—in everyday life we should make our effort. Without doing our effort in everyday life, just to come and sit here for forty minutes, that is not Zen at all.   --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Friday, August 5, 2022

RIP Anna Beck

Anna Beck and her husband Bob owned and ran Tassajara Springs from 1960 to December of 1966. They were most pleased to pass it on to the San Francisco Zen Center. She said she felt like a handmaiden to Buddha. I just got word from their son Adam that Anna has passed on to the next bardo. No details yet. Farewell dear friend Anna and condolences to Adam.

Anna Beck cuke interview 

photo - Anna and Robert Beck, Tassajara, 1960.

More later

Thursday, August 4, 2022


Enlightenment is not some certain stage. Enlightenment is everywhere. Wherever you are, enlightenment is there. Whatever you do, if you do, do it with your best, that is enlightenment. This point is very important for our Zen practice and for our everyday life.   --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo


If we do our best effort on each moment with confidence, that is enlightenment. Don’t ask whether this way is perfect or not. When we do our best to observe precepts, to practice Zen, then there is enlightenment. There is no other way to attain enlightenment.  --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Dogen Zenji—according to his record—was enlightened when he heard a disciple hit by his master. “What are you doing? You have to make your effort hard. What are you doing here?” His teacher slapped a person who sit next to him, and he was enlightened. That effort is Zen.                    --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

DC Comment - Dogen's teacher I believe hit his monks in zazen sometimes - with a sandal.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


The secret of observing precepts is to practice Zen. Because if you practice Zen, dualistic idea of to observe or not to observe take place within your mind. You have no one to blame, and there is no one who is violating precepts. When you make effort to observe precepts, even though it is not complete that effort is Buddha-Mind's effort. But if you yourself are outside of the precepts or Buddha-Mind, there is no time to observe it completely. But if your activity is involved in Buddha's big activity, whatever you do is Buddha's effort. Then even though it is not perfect, you are manifesting Buddha's mercy and activity.                    --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Monday, August 1, 2022


We observe precepts, and we say, “Zen practice and precepts is one.” To observe precepts is to practice Zen. It is same thing. In precepts we say we have many rules. Most of the rules or ten commandments or sixteen commandments are almost [laughs] impossible to observe completely [laughs]. I don’t think that you can observe it. But if you practice zazen, you can [laughs] observe it.                    --------------------------- Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki  lecture 65-12-11-A - as found on shunryusuzuki.comfrom one of the newly discovered (2021) or recently significantly added to or changed lecture tapes. Edited by DC  - Going through Suzuki lectures and posting anything that can stand on its own. Not looking for zingers or "the best of." I find that following these excerpts daily provides another way to experience Suzuki's teaching. Go to for more daily Shunryu Suzuki lecture excerpts - with a photo

Rick Fields on DT Suzuki

 Zen's Unassuming Pioneer - from the current Tricycle

thanks Marcia Cohen Fields