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Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Friendly With Each Other

Most people think, if we become friendly with each other, we will be lost. The only way is to have hard competition. If it is necessary, we should even fight or reject others’ opinions. And we should stick to our own way. That is what we are doing.

Before you actually practice our way, you have this fear, but if you practice our way, there is no such problem at all, as you must have seen. If you have even the faintest idea of this truth, then it will be a great help for you.

—Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-F - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Jerry Fuller, Niels Holm, Bruce McAllister at the SFZC City Center, 1979

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Common Ground

Even though each one of us is making a different effort, as long as all the effort is supported by Buddha Nature, there is no problem. When we don’t know that everyone’s effort is supported by the same ground and are attached to our own way, rejecting or ignoring the others’ ways and insisting on our own way, that is confusion. So we Buddhists put emphasis on each one’s own way. The Lotus Sutra, especially, puts emphasis on each one’s own way, and on the meaning of each one’s own being. At the same time this sutra provides every one of us with a big, common ground where we can enjoy each one’s own way. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-F - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Suzuki talking with boys on the way to Tassajara

Monday, May 29, 2023

A Zen Spiritual Union Ceremony


At Shunkoin in Myoshinji in Kyoto

We believe all love is equal and are open to all types of couples. 

I'm amazed. - dc

thanks Ghia

Strive Our Own Way

There is a characteristic way we make our effort. The direction in which we make our effort might be very interesting for you to know. If our human effort is pointed in the same direction by all human beings, that is a dreadful destiny. Everyone should strive in his own way, and everyone should find out his own way to develop himself. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-F - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Close up from day of Mel Weitsman's shuso ceremony at Tassajara, April 1970.

Cuke Podcast with Chris Miller

Chris Miller was a student of Shunryu Suzuki. Herein he talks about the path that led him there. He  was at the first practice period at Tassajara.  He's retired now from teaching college level composition. He published a book:  Searching for the  Path Within: From Poetry to Zen in the Sixties, under the pen name Christopher Lennox - the Zen part is on 

Cuke podcast with Chris

His cuke page

Saturday, May 27, 2023

I Don't Know

The highest truth is the subject of the question the emperor asked Bodhidharma: “What is the First Principle?” Bodhidharma said, “I don't know.” “I don't know” is the First Principle. Do you understand? The First Principle cannot be known in terms of good or bad, right or wrong, because it is both right and wrong. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-F - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Calligraphy by Jakusho Bill Kwong

Friday, May 26, 2023

Everyone Will Attain Enlightenment

It is no use expecting attainment. Sooner or later everyone will attain enlightenment because we have Buddha nature. As a Buddhist, we must have this kind of big mind and big scale of practice. It is not a matter of today or tomorrow, or this year or next year. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-F - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Human Be-in, January 14, 1967

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Eventually Attain Enlightenment

This is interesting, you know. Buddha was glad that he was not so good. If I were Shakyamuni Buddha, I would have been very angry maybe. I would not be happy to see that one of the disciples was not so good, treading the wrong path. But Buddha was very patient, and he was very glad. He thought, “eventually he will attain enlightenment.” —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-F - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

A technical query about ZMBM

Richard Baker asked me if I knew what font the first edition of Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind used. I directed the question to font (and other publishing nuts and bolts matters) master Andrew Main. Andrew responded

Care About the Truth

Dogen was very strict about Buddhists having worldly desires. As a Buddhist we should not even have the desire to expect enlightenment. You may say that was a strict observation of the Lotus Sutra. Of course, that was his character which was so pure and lofty. And he didn’t care about anything but truth. He would give his whole body and mind to the truth. That was his way. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-F - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The Eternal Teaching

When Dipankara Bodhisattva became enlightened and became a true teacher of the whole world, Buddha became his disciple, studied, and received his juki from him. All of those stories are about the eternal teaching which is always with every being, from beginningless beginning to endless end. That is what they mean. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-F - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Many Many Buddhas

These teachings were not started by Buddha. Before Buddha there must have been many many Buddhas, limitless, numerous Buddhas. There must have been. In this way the Lotus Sutra describes reality. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Buddhism: A Way of Life and Thought by Nancy Wilson Ross

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Something Great or Small

As you know, I like stones very much, but especially big ones. Someone came to me the other day with a magnifying glass and said, “Look at those stones.” So I looked at them one by one. But to my great astonishment, those small stones were exactly the same as big ones! They were as interesting as big ones, the shapes were different, and some had very good shapes. You could make a beautiful garden with those stones. I was very pleased. I thought, this is what the universe consists of and how everything is going. So, if you cannot accomplish something great, you can work on a very small thing, in a very small scale, and the meaning is not any different at all. This is the nature of our practice and teaching. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Higher Place, Lower Place

We say, “You should put something which belongs in a higher place in a higher place, and something which belongs in a lower place in a lower place. Don’t mix them up.” Our way is very careful in this respect. So our teaching is limitless in both ways. Our teaching is on a great scale, and, at the same time, it is very particular on a small scale. This is the nature of our world. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Annapurna's Shrine

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Great and Small

We say, “When we talk about the greatness of the teaching, it will be as great as the universe. But when we talk about it on a small scale, it will penetrate the smallest particle of being imaginable.” —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Brushwork by Taiji Kiyokawa

Check this out

David Schneider presides at the Shambhala Sunday Gathering

 – Trungpa Rinpoche Visits the San Francisco Zen Center

MAY 21, 2023 @ 3:00 PM EDT

This offering is free of charge, but people are welcome to make a donation during the "checkout" process if they feel so inclined. Otherwise, they can just enter "0" in the price field. 

You do not need to be a member to attend. 
You will need to submit a bit of information: name, and email; 
and to check a box that says you are more than 16 years old.
That's all; no need to create a profile, or an account to register. 

If you can be there, it will be lovely to see you! - DS

David Schneider Shambhala page

David Schneider cuke page

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Whole Universe Telling the Truth

If you are enlightened, you are one with the whole universe, and the whole universe is telling the truth to the whole universe, to everything, or the whole universe is revealing itself through every being. What is happening is the activity of big, One Being, which is called Buddha. This his how we should understand the Lotus Sutra. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Stephen Gaskin addressing a crowd

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Universe Is Telling the Truth to the Universe

It is like the universe is telling the truth to the universe, the whole cosmic being is telling the truth to the cosmic being. So whatever is going on in the cosmos is the teaching itself. When we understand their teaching in this way, it is very close to Zen. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Referring to a Shingon mandala.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Give Him Water

We say, “If you want to explain what water is, give him water, don’t speak about it. When you speak about it, it is not possible to explain what water is.” That kind of true experience, or reality, is not possible to talk about. In this sense, there is esoteric teaching. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Photo by Liz Hecker

Cuke Podcast with Alan Senauke

Podcast with Alan Senauke
just went up

Alan Senauke is the abbot of the Berkeley Zen Center and author of the recently published Turning Words, Transformative Encounters with Buddhist Teachers. He has a long involvement with  Buddhist peace work and  music. 

Alan Senauke cuke page

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Happy Mother's Day

To all moms. 

Now to write that to the moms in my life and there are a bunch of them. Without you we are nothing.

Love to all mothers. - dc

Photo is my mom, Ahdel.

Saturday, May 13, 2023

First Principle

The First Principle is the reality, the absolute, which cannot be conveyed in terms of good or bad, supreme or common. It is the principle that everything is revealed through everything, revealing itself and fluently speaking about the First Principle. So, Dogen understood enlightenment in this way. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Friday, May 12, 2023

The Sound of a Bell

Dogen Zenji said, even the sound of a bell and the color of a mountain are bodhisattvas—they all can teach. Actually, he means that all we see teaches the Lotus Sutra. That is how we Zen Buddhists understand this sutra. When we understand everything, everything will be important. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Om Devi at the bell, in Summer 1994 Wind Bell

Non Violent Communication

Buddhism/NVC Workshop

Tuesday May 23, 4-5:30 MT  -every other Tuesday for 5 sessions

with Paul Shippee

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Ejo’s True Body Covers Everything

When Zen Master Nangyo Ejo was passing away, the Emperor asked him, “What should we do about your relics? Is there anything we can do to help you? What do you want me to do?” And Ejo said, “If you build me a mound for my relics, it is enough.” “How should I build it?” the Emperor asked. Ejo said, “My disciple will know well, so ask him.” So after he passed away, the Emperor asked his disciple how to make the mound. The disciple said, “Make the best mound.” “How do you make the best mound?” The disciple said, “From the east side of the Yangtze to the west side of the Yangtze River.” And the Emperor couldn’t understand. It would cover the whole country! So he couldn’t answer, he couldn’t say yes. Ejo’s true body covers everything. He is one with everything, so even though he dies, there is no difference. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-E - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

On the full moon night of April 17, 1972, the ashes of Suzuki-roshi were scattered at Tassajara.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Many Mistakes

This [Lotus Sutra] is not such an easy study because it is very complicated. Many scholars are still continuously studying it, and, day by day, the meaning of this sutra becomes clearer and clearer. So it is rather difficult to make it absolutely clear. What I said won't be absolutely right; there must be many mistakes, naturally. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-D - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Help Others

When the clever ones do not help others, the Sangha will be destroyed. Only when clever and talented people help others will the Sangha last long. This is our teaching. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-D - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Takata roshi (r.) with Oaxaca villagers in Wind Bell, 1973

An Offering from an ole Zennie

 Wisdom of the Aged by Rico Provasoli

on the Good Men Project

Monday, May 8, 2023

Clever or Dull

In the Shobogenzo, Dogen Zenji says that whether one is clever or dull doesn’t matter. If we practice zazen, we will get the same attainment. This is Buddhist understanding, or a Buddhist idea, of human character. This point should always be remembered, especially by the intelligent ones. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-D - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Mel Weitsman's Shuso Ceremony at Tassajara, Fall 1970.


Richard Baker (AKA Baker Roshi) is currently giving weekly live stream talks on ZMBM. Registration is here

Also Crestone has 4 other dharma talks by BR up on their site.
thanks David Silva

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Shunryu Suzuki Spontaneous Calligraphy

Read the story behind it here

Note the use of Rev in signature

Everyone Is a Bodhisattva

But according to this sutra, even before Dipankara there were so many Bodhisattvas, like Srigarba, whose enlightened name is Vimalanetra, or like Varaprabha, or Kandrasuryapradipa. And what does this mean? Actually, there is no first bodhisattva. Actually, everyone is a bodhisattva. This sutra suggests this kind of teaching. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-D - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Fall 1991, Hokubei Sesshin

Friday, May 5, 2023

Complicated but Clear

You should know how complicated our Dharma is. Very complicated, but very clear. But to make it clear, we have to make a good effort. Sometimes if you read those scriptures, you may think that there’s no truth in them, that they are just fairy tales or stories, but it is not so. The underlying thought is very deep and accurate. So, as long as we are studying it, we should make it clear. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-C - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Carl Bielefeldt

Thursday, May 4, 2023

No Need to Remember

When I was young, I would go to school by train. As long as the train was going, I was sleeping, but when the train stopped, I woke up. I woke up suddenly because I had to get off. As long as my tedious lecture is going, you may sleep. If I stop my lecture, you should wake up. There will be no need to remember these things, you know. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-C - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Not Trying to Win an Argument

 Ted Howell sent this apropos of a discussion he was having with Taiyo Lipscomb and Frank Kilmer. There was something a certain organization was doing that we all found a little troubling. Ted wisely included this piece on not arguing to set us all on a peaceful path in further discussing it. It's a piece Jiryu posted a few years ago called Don't Win the Argument - Rouse the Conscience.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

A Monk Walking

Buddha’s disciples converted many learned scholars to Buddhism, like Sariputra, who converted when he saw a monk walking on the street with a very steady feeling. So, we say that each one of the 250 characters of the Prajna Paramita Sutra is a bodhisattva, is Buddha. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Steve Stucky at a gay pride day event in SF

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Our Attitude Toward Scriptures

The merit of reading this [Lotus Sutra] scripture is in finding the truth of it in our everyday activity. We read this scripture so that we can understand more perfectly and become familiar with the truth. This is our attitude toward scriptures. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.

Shunryu Suzuki and Anagarika Govinda, 1968

Monday, May 1, 2023

Reading Scripture

We also say you should read scripture with your body, but we don't mean that this scripture only has eternal truth. Universal truth is truly with this scripture, with bodhisattvas, with various kinds of followers of Buddhism, and with rivers and mountains and everything. So, to read this scripture with the body means to find the truth of it in everything, in everyday activity. —Excerpt from Shunryu Suzuki lecture - 68-02-00-B - as found on edited by PF. Go to or for links to the full Shunryu Suzuki lecture and the source of the photo.